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3rd person

"Yo! I heard there was gonna be a new student!" Kirishima said; as he walked over to Katsuki. "Like I care. they just better not get I my way! I DON'T NEED MORE LOSERS DISTRACTING ME!" Katsuki ended in a shout with a glance at Midoriya.
"Don't worry Deku, he's just...stubborn." Ochako kept quiet so Bakugo wouldn't hear her. The noisy class was interrupted by a yellow sleeping bag tumbling into class, with a person in it.
"Class settle down. We are in fact getting a new student. She will be here shortly." Aizawa said as he slowly got out of the sleeping bag. "A girl? I wonder who it could be." Ochako said in curiosity. Izuku agreed, standing next to her. The whole class started noisily talking. Aizawa stood up, "Quiet! Take your seats." he shouted. Everyone did as they were told.
Finally, a girl walked in the door. She had long white hair, and blue sparkling eyes. Everyone stared as she entered. "She's so pretty" some of the girls whispered. Jirou and Kaminari whispered to each other sharing some giggles. Aizawa started to speak, "Please introduce yourself." she nodded. "My name is Siren Modoki, please just call me Siren." Everybody had a share of greetings across the room as she stopped speaking. Aizawa spoke again, "Please Siren, take a seat." she nodded once more and did as told. She spotted an emtpy seat beside Tsuyu. "I love your hair -ribbit- " Tsuyu said sticking out her tongue. Siren smiled cheerfully at her. Soon the lesson began.

Time Skip~

It was just about the end of the school day. Siren thought the day had gone pretty good. She made a few friends, Ochako, Tsuyu, Mina, etc. Siren adored her class mates and loved the school.

Siren's POV

Just about the end of my day! I must say, there are some nice people here! Although... someone- what was his name? Oh! right, Ejirou. He said to stay away from that blonde spiky haired boy. But I don't want to. He seems misterious, I want to know more about him..and I'm going to find out. He can't be that dangerous.

3rd Person

The bell rang as a sign of dismissal. "You may leave class, see you all tomorrow." Aizawa said, being the first one out of the class. Everyone was packing up their stuff and leaving. Siren packed up her backpack and walked over to Bakugo. by the time she was near him half of the class already left. Siren started to speak, "Hello!" her cheerful voice startled Bakugo. he looked over at her, when he saw her; his cheeks became a slight blush of pink. "What." he said not letting her beauty in the way of his attitude. "I um... just came to talk. people say you're dangerous...and eh.. scary." Siren continued. Midoryia, who was behind them, heard their conversation. "Who said that! was it that shitty hair over there!" Bakugo yelled and pointed at Kirishima. Siren nodded, and Katsuki became mad. "Look, meet me at lunch the back table. I have to go.." she said, her voice trailing off as she left. "K..Kacchan..?" Izuku said lightly. Bakugo was about to yell; when he realized they were the only ones in there. "What." he said in a quiet, but stern voice. Midoryia was surprised, and began, "D-do you think that she likes you..?" Bakugo flushed a little, "No...why would she?!" he said, finally turning around and facing the green haired boy. They stood in silence for a breef moment. "No one likes me...don't ya here?! I'm dangerous Deku! I'm not even fit to be a hero..!"
"Kacchan I-"
"Shut it nerd!" Bakugo said as he stormed out. Little did they know, Siren heard what they had said. "There's something with a connection.." she said to herself, as she finally left the building.

At Izuku's house~

Izuku POV

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