Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

{Meanwhile (1 night ago)}

Charlotte barges into her dad's bedroom after a single knock out of pure politeness. She instantly recoils in disgust at the naked woman and her father joined in a compromising position. It isn't the first time she's caught one of her parents in such a position with random people. Just last week she'd accidentally walked in on her mom and gym instructor. They'd been working out alright! A part of her knows it shouldn't be normal to be witnessing all of the adultery but it has become normal to her-so much so that she doesn't so much as feel an ounce of rage as she had before. Why bother worrying about a marriage that she's not even a part of?

"What is it, Princess?" asks her dad turning his head to his daughter. 
"I need money," she demands in boredom. What else did he expect her to ask of him? Money is the only thing he can deliver on; so why does he bother asking her? Semantics, perhaps. Probably. 
"Sure thing Princess, I'll transfer some to your account in a...minute," replies her father with a grunt. Charlotte snorts in revulsion. This so should not be normal.  
"Good," mutters Charlotte taking her leave. 

Retreating to her room, she logs onto social media, scrolling down those in her school to find one of the losers at the school she'd accidentally added in an effort to show more 'school spirit'. She sends a quick message to the nerd asking if he knows of any technical geeks. The reply is instantaneous, causing Charlotte to roll her eyes. No wonder, he's probably got nothing better to do. How pathetic. Although according to him, he's a technical genius so maybe he is useful. Typing him her phone number she tells him to call her immediately.

"H-hello," gulps Jake, the 'nerd'. 
"Ugh. Hey, listen whatever your name is-"
"Er-it's Jake."
"Sure, fine, whatever. So how good are you at computer stuff?" 
"Um, good. I mean, great. I mean, what do you need doing?" stammers Jake. 
"A few things. I need you to edit a recording and I need a few posters doing. Think you can do that?" 
"Yes! Er-I mean..yeah, maybe."
"Good. Come over to this address," Charlotte reeled off her house address and then added, "come over and we'll negotiate payment."

Charlotte's been called a lot of things-including bitch, slut, the Devil's mistress, but people seem to fail to realise she's ruthless and determined. She gets what she wants and by any means. She also hates being in debt to anyone so this Jake person will obviously be paid for his services. 


Twenty minutes later, Charlotte’s changed into a pair of cotton shorts and tank top. It's around then Jake dings the bell. Rushing downstairs she beats her housekeeper Mrs Hurst to the front door. Fiona Hurst has always hated Charlotte and vice versa. So shooting Mrs Hurst a glare and a scowl, Charlotte shoos the old cow away before opening the door to Jake. 
As a half-Mexican half-white American, Jake Sandez has lightly bronzed skin and brown strands that hang too long down his forehead. His quiet nature and lanky frame means that he goes through school unnoticed, but Jake likes that. However every since halfway through freshman year, he's also had a crush of Charlotte. Well aware how his friends feel about Charlotte he daren't tell them so the secret desire remains hidden from all. Only in his wildest dreams had he imagined Charlotte Hudson talking to him never mind inviting him around to her house. 

"Well? Come on in then," sneers Charlotte rolling her eyes and continuing up the stairway. 

Jake glances around careful not to stare at Charlotte's swaying ass. Following her across the landing to her bedroom, Jake pretends not to hear the moaning and groaning behind one of the doors. After all Charlotte didn't seem fazed. 

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