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 I met the group when I accidentally insulted the oldest boy, Seokjin. I had been annoyed about missing my train just a few hours prior, and so I had to drive across miles of rather boring terrain to get to the city where my business meeting would be held. As it was, I ended up completely missing the meeting anyway, so I had driven a long distance to a small city that I had never been to for absolutely no good reason.

I had been storming angrily through the city streets and the railway stop when I saw them put out the corner of my eye. They were a group of beautiful Asian boys that didn't seem to be in the same rush as all the businesspeople in the underground railway station. They were just lounging around on the uncomfortable chairs, made intentionally uncomfortable so they would only be temporary resting places. And because they were not partaking in the usual chaos of the human business race, I assumed the worst of them.

In hopes of finding out just how much trouble I would be in for missing the meeting, I pulled my phone out of my bag and looked through it for any notifications. I suppose I must have been standing there for a long while, because suddenly a musical voice floated through my consciousness. "Excuse me..."

I looked up and saw one of the beautiful boys standing right in front of me. He was indeed gorgeous, and I almost wanted to continue staring at his face just to admire the features. But then I remembered that I was here for work.

"No, thank you," I said as politely as I could. "I'm not interested."

The boy made a very confused face before it transformed into a look of indignity. "I'm not-" he sputtered, his face turning an interesting shade of pink. I think mine was too, but for a different reason.

There was quiet giggling from behind me, but it was very strange laughter. It sounded like a laugh mixed somehow with the silver bells that my mother used to bring out for the holidays when I was a child. I turned and saw a girl there that, despite the beauty of the boys sitting near me, seemed to shine with some sort of divine elegance.

I couldn't believe that I had not seen her yet. I couldn't believe the people looking down at their cell phones or newspapers that were walking past her, somehow not stopping to admire her allure. Her hair was a blonde color so pale it seemed almost silver and her skin was almost the color of fresh snow. The faintest touch of pink touched her lips and cheeks. She looked like some sort of living doll.

She finally looked at me after she had finished laughing, and my emotions fought. A part of me was jealous - how could someone even be half as beautiful as her, I wondered - another part of me was horrified - how haggard I must look now, in comparison - and a greater part was still mortified and embarrassed of being mistaken.

As quickly as I could, I spun back around to the boy that I had accidentally insulted, who still looked indignant and was sputtering for words.

"I'm sorry," I said as quickly as I could, my face burning. I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible before I somehow managed to say something else ridiculous.

"I like you," the girl called as I started to stumble away with a hand over my face. "You're the only person I've ever met that managed to shut Seokjin up."

This was followed by stifled giggles from the other boys, but I didn't pause to look, as much as I wanted to. It was only when I had gotten into my car that I considered that just maybe, maybe, I had seen those boys somewhere before.

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