Tic Tock Tic Tock

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Tic Tock Tic Tock.
Times running out,
The sand is at its last grains,
The blood is slowly fading
Out, time is running out.
The walls are closing in it's
Getting hard to breathe this
Putrid air.
My lungs are collapsing with
the pressure of my thoughts.
I can't breathe, the clock is my
Heart and the beats are getting
Slower, forcing me to the ground.
I can't get up for it's to hard
And the clocks tic's are running
Out of tock's, and the pressure is
Crushing every bone in my body,
Making me fall to the floor in a
Puddle of crimson blood.
While the thoughts keep screaming
In my head and crushing my ribs into
The clock has run out and the
Tic Tock Tic Tock
Has gone to
Tic Tock Times running out

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