Chapter 3

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Hey guys just a quick note:

I wont be updating untill you guys start commenting on the chapters coz I dont know if you like the book or you would like anything different done to it!

Please start to comment and vote

Love you guys!

~Megan xxx


Jamies pov

I woke up to a flash then someone or a few people whispering an Aww. I slowly opened my eyes to see Brooklyns face only a few inches away from me. Also, Brooklyn started to wake up and he gave me a small smile.

I sat up and looked towards the soor to see Mum, Dad, Vicki, David, Alanta, Romeo, Cruz and Harper looking at us both.

"Mornin'" I mumbled rubbing my eyes with the palm of the hand.

"Morning babygirl" Mum replied,  "Breakfast is down stairs and we have something to talk about. Oh and your not going to school today. " she said and everyone walkedout apart from Allie and Romeo, they both came  and jumped on my bed and layed next to me and Brooklyn. 

"Guys im going to get changed Into some clothes then ill be down stairs,  ok?" I siad climbing out of bed and walking into the bathroom and doing my usual routine which was; showering (which you didnt need to know about:)), brushing my teeth ect... Once I had finished I walked back Into my room  to find no one there, I made my way to the closet and I put my underwear on and I picked out low crotch grey sweat pants and a black thin strap crop top that just comes above my bellybutton and I put some black fluffy socks on. I put my hair in a cute messy bun.

I made my way to the kitchen to see everyone in their own little conversations. I sat down on a chair which was next to Brooklyn and Alanta. 

"You ok?" Brook asked with a small smile.

"Yeah im good."

"So Jay we got a letter this morning and um we wanted to talk about it with you because we want your opinion if you wanted to do it" Dad started. I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"Umm ok?"

"And its a camp you can go to for your running and there will be people there to watch you and maybe even choose you for the Great Britian team in the Olympics."

"Oh my god.  You being serious? Thats Amazing! "

"But its for one year. You'll still have school which will be in the camp  and you train everyday. So if you wanna go you can its up to you."

"Um WOW, when does it start?"

"In 2 weeks" I looked at Alanta and her eyes were turning glassy. You see we're really close, not only is she my sister shes like my best friend too.

"Would you like me to go or not?" I asked her.

"If you want to do it the do it," she said shredding a few tears, " Do it!"

"Ok,  Ok I'll go." I said to dad.

"ok I'll let them know."

"Wait is Danni, Cleo and Trix going?"

"No they wernt Invited, I don't think."

"oh ok."

"Right guys the plan for today is..." vicki puased looking around at everyone,"We're all getting to know eachother properly amd then later on we're going out for dinner. sound goood?" Everyone nodded and made their way into the family room, but of course Alanta clung onto me as we walked.

★★★★★★in the family room★★★★★★

"Ok so this is how it goes, we're going arond in a circle and you're going to say you full name, your age, birthday, favourite colour, your idol (role modle), favourite music artist and finally your likes and dislikes." vicki explained as we all took our seats.  I sat next to Brooklyn and Alanta on the love seat.

"Ok Jamie would you like to start?" she asked and I just replied with a nod, I stood up and took a breath...

"Ok so, my names Jamie Kenzi Clark, Im 14 years old,  My Birthday is 19th October,My favourite colour or colours are purple and gold, My idol is Jessica Ennis, my favourite music artist is probably Justin Bieber, my likes are running, family and food..." that made everyone chuckle,"My dislikes are One Direction, umm rain and tomatoes. " I finished and sat down ready for someone else.

"Ok great! Brook you next."

"Ok, My names Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, Im 15 year-old,  My Birthday is 4th March, My favourite colour is blue, My idol is my dad, David Beckham, My favourite music artist is  Beyonce, my likes are football and food too, My dislikes are rain, boring movies."

(I just made that all up ^^ also im changing his age to 15 because in the story the month is July, so that makes Brooklyn a few months older than Jamie. Also in the story when they go to school years 9 and 10 are mixed together. Also Im sorry some of you think I have mis spelt anything it's because im English not American. )

Aftet that I wasnt really listening but everyone was saying stuff like fashion, music, football, make-up, movies...

As everyone was talking, I was just staring blankly at the wall just thinking of whats going to happen when im gone, Will everything change? Will they enjoy life with out me? Is one year too long? All these questions kept flooding my mind. What will happen to Atlanta? 

◇◆◇◆Later that day◇◆◇◆

I was up in my room getting ready for the meal we're all going on, I had took my shower (Shaved, washed hair ect...) I got out amd wrapped myself in a towle and started on my hair. I blow dryed it and started curling it, once I had finished that I took parts of my hair from either side of my head at the front then pulled it round to the back of my head the cliped them back with bobby pins. (Sorry if you dont understand that!♥) I then started my make-up, I applied foundation, mascara, blush and some pinkish see through lip gloss.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet to pick out my outfit. I put my underwear on, bra and panties, and search for clothes to wear.

I heard a knock on the door and soon Atlanta came in.

"Can you help me get ready please?"

"Yeah sure, take a seat In my makeover office." She walked over and sat at the seat in front of my dresser and mirror. I quickly put on one of Brooklyns t-shirts and a pair of short shorts.

"Ok, lets start my magic!"

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