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TODAY A FANCY LUNCH was held. Similar to the dinner, except the King, Ms. Oh and the head of security did not attend. Which means, if you guessed right, that the still-not-talking-to-each-other-duo was faced eating meats and salads with Baekhyun's greedy cousins. Whether they were talking or not, it didn't prevent the prince from wearing an angry attitude. And without the King, those cousins were free to make harsher comments. Not just about Taehee but Baekhyun too. He decided that the last straw was pulled when his third cousin, Naeun, made a comment about his departed brother. "Baekhyun oppa, you should act more like Baekbeom oppa. Dead... oh and kind and everything. But dead is good." The twenty-year-old told him.

It was even more worse, considering the conversation him and Taehee had a few days ago. "Okay... seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you all?! Who the hell do you think you are speaking to me like that? I'm your future King!" He glared heavily, standing up and glowering at the suddenly startled people. His uncle stood up from the table, "We are Namseok's avengers. We want the throne to pay back for what your father did. My brother killed him!" He spat with disgust laced in his tone. Taehee watched Baekhyun's fist tighten next to her. She held his hand, trying to tell him to not get involved any further. But anger had blinded him. "My father did not kill him! Namseok was a murder. He killed his own cousin!"

"Because your father took everything away from him! He took his title, his wealth and his home! Namseok even loved that pathetic girl's mother but Hyeongseop was betrothed to her. And then that poor man, Sungkyun came in." Taehee gaped at the standing male, covering her mouth. He curled his lips, chuckling in feigned pity. "That's right... I know who your father is. That poor, ugly, sick, greedy bastard? All he wanted was your mother's money. But your father and mother were the same! Sleeping around with different people. You're probably the same aren't you, princess? How many of this dick's friends have you slept wi—" Baekhyun's uncle didn't even finish the sentence as the prince's fist had landed right in his face. Gasps were filling the air, Taehee rushed to her fiancé who had taken the fight to the floor. Absolutely obliterating the male with a murderous expression.

"Don't you ever speak about her or her parents like that! You do not deserve your title! The next time I see you, I swear I will end up be thrown into prison for killing you and your whole family. So do not ever come near this kingdom again. Even if my father invites you. Because who knows what I'll do once I see you."

• • •

Needless to say, Baekhyun's uncle was beaten up brutally. He was in the hospital for a few fractures and no doubt some scratches that will scar his face. But the ride home, after the guards told the duo to go, was just empty silence. He didn't want to say anything to Taehee because he was still shaking with anger. His words could only hurt her even more. Once they had got home, Taehee immediately locked herself up in her room. He couldn't imagine what she was feeling. His comment from a few days ago were already bad enough. And then his cousins and uncles and aunts were just vile. She even missed dinner after the few times he knocked on her door. She didn't respond.

It made him feel nervous and worried. It was a new returned feeling. He hadn't felt it in a long time. But Baekhyun decided he and to go check up on her. He was going to kick down her door, when he found it was already open. He quietly took a step in, eyeing around the wide room for her figure. But he couldn't see her. "Taehee?" He gently queried, glancing at everything with a wary expression. Baekhyun froze when he heard the water running from the bathroom. The worst possible thoughts came into mind.

He quickly opened the door, finding the girl who was still in her lilac dress from lunch. She was in the bathtub. The water running was from the tap. He quickly shut it, bending down at the girl who was under the water. He knew she was breathing because of the bubbles. But it still worried him. Gently, he put his hands in the water-filled bathtub, lifting her so she sat across him. Taehee opened her eyes, blinking away the blurry vision. "Are you okay, Taehee? I know the last few days have been rough. But please tell me honestly." He watched as a tear dropped from her eyes into the tub, making the water ripple. "No... I'm not. I-I don't know why it all hurts so much, Baekhyun. I-I really don't." By the last sentence, Taehee was fully broken down.

Baekhyun felt his own heart break. Why did his heart hurt almost as much as hers did? He brought her wet figure into a hug, not caring about the soaking mess. As each sob fell out of her mouth, she hugged him tighter. She needed someone to be there. And there he was. Despite how cold the water was, he could feel her warm body shake violently. He could also hear the sound of each tear dripping onto his suit. All this havoc was enough to make his a tear make its way down his cheek. They both were hurt. No matter how great or how much you were used to the pain, it would still hurt. Maybe not the same amount but you could relate.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Taehee asked hoarsely, the tears still leaking out of he eyes as she removed herself from him. She looked down at her lap hopelessly waiting for an answer. He couldn't answer that, could he? Questions like these were meant to make you think about life and what you were doing. Baekhyun lifted her chin up, meeting her red puffy sore eyes. He caresses her cheek softly, feeling the water seep into his skin. "It depends on why you got hurt in the first place. You didn't know your parents but here you are crying over them. It's because you love them even if you never got to meet them. You understand them, Taehee. To hear all that not only angered you, but it made you regret not meeting them. And that's where the pain builds."

Taehee blinked when she first saw his own tears. "Are you hurt about your brother?" She asked softly, watching him remove his hands and take a seat with her in the tub fully dressed. "I'm not hurt, I'm angry. I'm angry that I'll never ever be like him. No matter how hard I try, it'll never work. Because we are our own people. What hurt me was when my uncle labeled my dad as a murder. The throne has broken our family's trust, loyalty and love within each other. It shocked me. How can you say that about your own brother?

Moreover, when it was your own son who killed your nephew. And it enraged me even more when he said he was getting revenge for him with my cousins and aunt. This family was never a family. We all suffered. But my dad suffered the most. When your mother died, when Queen Heeju died which suddenly left him to be a King, when my mother died, my brother and my stupid cousin as well."

"We lost everything despite being at the top. And that my father will never forget. He will never ever be able to regain his happiness. He's lost faith in everyone but me... and now you."


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