an array of starters .

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~ you walked into your local restaurant / bar to see julian standing behind the bar . he looked slightly overwhelmed , but happy , as he served drinks to people . you went and sat at the bar and Julian came up to you , " hey , what can i get for you ? " he asked , a polite smile on his face .

~ julian and you decided to go get coffee . he had said he had something to tell you and that it was important . when you two were sitting down at a table waiting for your coffees , he looked nervous . he sighed and finally looked up , " i'm just going to say it — i'm trans . " he said , a hint of fear in his expression .

~ you and julian had been laughing and having a great time watching movies and eating snacks . it was a stormy night so you had decided to stay over at his place after he offered . though , suddenly , the power went out and his whole apartment went dark . he groaned , " i guess we'll just have to find some candles . " he chuckled .

~ julian was going through one of his dysphoric moments , you knew he was trans but may or may not have seen him in one of these moments before . they were rare but they happened . he was talking about a sad movie he had seen recently and just talking about it upset him , which triggered a rush of dysphoric thoughts . currently , he was sitting on his bed curled up while hugging a pillow . his eyes were shut tightly and his breaths were quick and sharp .

~ julian was sitting on the ground in his apartment , hunched over while staring at the sketchbook in his lap . he had put his pencil down about ten minutes before and was now just staring at his sketch . it didn't look right to him but he couldn't figure out why . your phone rang and when you picked up he immediately asked , " okay , where are you ? "

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