Chapter 1

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*Hey! Excuse the cover! It's only temporary! Will be upgraded!*

I burst into the old doors keeping me out of that thing called "school". More like a living hell. I search the crowd, seeing old and new faces, trying to find the one person I care about.

"Kris!" Harry yells.

I turn to the locker side of the hall and see my best friend waving wildly at me. I rush over to him to see that he has my locker, beside his, already decorated. I giggle at his witty appearance.

"Someone is ready for school I see?" I joke.

"I felt really good this morning! Oh and I have something for you." He hands me a Starbucks cup.

"Thanks Harry." I pinch his cheek lightly. His white smile streams across his face. His blonde curls cover one of his eyes. I pull it off his face only for him to swat my hand away.

"Hey, don't touch the hair!" He groans loudly before continuing "you know what they say, the curls get all the girls" Harry winks and whips his head back and fourth so his hair goes back to its original position.

I roll my blue eyes, thinking of a comeback but to have the piercing bell interrupt my thoughts. We both walk our opposite ways. He goes to science while I head off to gym.

Gym is one of my classes that I wish I didn't pick. None of the juniors in my class do it anyways. I'm stuck with a bunch of freshmen and sophomores. Great.

As I change in the corner of the locker room I can hear girls squealing on the other side of the showers. I put the rest of my gym clothes on and try to tone them out. Once everyone is done changing we head to the gym.

Our teacher said that we will be doing basketball drills for the first week of school. I am the only one who plays basketball in gym and we take forever on a simple dribbling drill because these hoes can't even hold the ball. There is only one girl who can actually do the drills okay, her name is sophie and she is really talkative and annoying.

"Did you hear about the new English teacher?" She whispers to me while we watch the other girls do crossovers.

"No." I say bluntly.

"Well he teaches juniors and he is pretty hot." I almost burst out laughing. How could you have a crush on a teacher? He could be thirty years old for all they know.

"Cool." I reply. Holding in my many comments I could say back. She nods and goes over to the teacher to start a conversation, I silently laugh as I see that Mrs. Smith's features hardened because of her presence.

After finishing the drills and playing dodgeball, I quickly change back into my clothes and go to my second class. English. I finally get to see this extremely attractive teacher.

Mr. Tomlinson.

I walk as slow as I could until I reach the door. I poke my head into classroom.

Harry smiles brightly at me and motions me to sit in the empty seat beside him. I sit down and scan the room for an unfamiliar face. It seems that Mr. Tomlinson isn't in the room.

"So there's a new teacher?" Harry questions, leaning back into the wooden chair.

"Yeah, I heard he's pretty hot" I tease, biting my lip.

"Pshh. He's probably forty or something" he huffs, turning around to talk to someone else.

I roll my eyes, annoyed that he thought I liked the teacher.

'How stupid does he think I am, that I would actually like a teacher?'

'That's low. He's probably isn't attractive as he is made out to be.'

I laugh at my thoughts, shaking my head.

Suddenly I hear a deep voice, laughing along with me.

I know it isn't Harry because his vocals are much higher and I feel a hard stare, burning straight into my forehead.

Hesitating, I lift my head up to the teachers desk, seeing someone sitting down looking right at me.

His green eyes sparkle as his full set of thick eyelashes flutter when he blinks. His tender hands reach up to fix the black bow tie on his neck. His beautiful smile makes my stomach turn. To finish the look, his brown hair was flawlessly gelled back on his head.

I shake my head back into reality.

"Miss Welsh, is it?" He asks me. His voice low, but soothing.

"Y-yes." I stutter. My cheeks burning red. I can hear the boys behind me cracking up.

"Glad you've finally joined us." He chuckles, the whole class joining in. I turn my head over to the confused Harry mouthing "What the heck?" I roll my eyes and look to the front of the class again. Mr. Tomlinson stands up showing his grey slacks matching his blazer. He smooths it out before opening something on the smart board.

"Let's take attendance really quick." He says not turning to us. He calls out names and I wait till the end for him to call my name out. He doesn't. He closes the attendance book and turns back to the class.

"Shall we start?" His smile brightens up the room.

'No. He just embarrassed the crap out of you on the first day. He is gonna pay.'

"Uh no." I blurt. He raises an eyebrow.

"If I may ask, miss Kristina, why not?"

"My name wasn't called. Duh." I huff. He smiles at me. I try to stay mad at the attractive man in front of me.

"I didn't need to call you. I knew you were there." He states. A smirk whips across his face. I give him a glare right before he starts to teach.

I watch his every move during his introduction to the new year. All I thought about is if he was thinking of me, which is stupid to process. As soon as he finishes speaking the bell rings. I sigh inside as I get up to leave, kinda not wanting to.

"Miss Welsh. Please stay after class." Mr. Tomlinson says to me right before I turn to exit. I groan and slowly turn to face him. We are alone.

"What." I huff. I put my hand on my waist.

"I just wanted to say that your attitude doesn't scare me." He mimics my movement. I raise an eyebrow.

"Ok?" We stand in silence for a moment. I turn around and start to walk out. I suddenly hear a small voice behind me.

"I like you. Kristina."

*BTW: when he says he likes her. It isn't like he wants to date here or anything. He just thinks she is a good kid (somehow). Thought I would clear that up :)*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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