His Name is Monkey D. Luffy

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Last Time on Sweet Worth Meetings:

"Oh, yeah that reminds me!" Bobbin said. “Apparently Fishman Island can't send their payment right now.”

“What?”whispered Heaven in disbelief already knowing what will happen to the beautiful island

Hearing this made Heaven’s mother drool with fury, her saliva falling in large quantities and evaporating on the hot floor.

"Pekoms told me all about!” explained Bobbin “ Should I burn that down too?”

“ NO!” cried out Heaven causing everyone to look towards her in confusion “I…I mean not yet maybe we should hear what they have to say first before it comes to that.Please, mama.”

Heaven's mother watched her silently,  staring into her eyes not breaking eye contact. Heaven stood there and stared back not wanting to give up or back down. Everyone started to back away thinking Heaven,  finally pushed her mother too far and is now about to get her punishment. After a few minutes of waiting, Heaven's mother started to laugh and patted her darling girl on her head.

“Alright, we'll do it your way, Heaven.”  stated Heaven's mother looking at her subordinates “GET ME A TRANSPONDER SNAIL AND CALL THEM, NOW.”


Heaven who was still holding her breath after her stared down with her mother, breath out in relief at her mother's demand for her request. If it had been anyone else who made that request or argued against her mother's decision… they wouldn't even be alive right now. Without even thinking for millisecond, her mother would have killed them on the spot for their “rudest” of arguing with the queen/emperor.

However, Heaven is different. She is the favorite of her family for their mother love as her mother wouldn't even dare to or think to hurt Heaven in anyway. Sometimes it good to be the favorite. She at least bought some time for Fishman Island till she can come up with a real solution/idea to stop her mother and family from destroying it.

Unlike her family, Heaven was different from her mother along with most of her brothers and sisters. She never wanted to use her powers to hurt innocent people nor seeing them hurt in anyway. She believed that everyone has a good soul in them unless they prove otherwise like most of her family. She hated to hear what most of her brothers and sisters along with their subordinates do to these people as they brag about their latest conquest of killing or destroying islands and their people with no remorse whatsoever. They would always described it in very descriptive details which would scare/disturbed Heaven. And they do all this just to impress mama, to gain her of approval or just following her orders.

And her mother…

Well she wasn't someone who forgives anyone or allow others to do what they want...without consequences. Especially during her hunger pangs, when she doesn't care if your either an ally or foe it all the same for her along with your faith, Life or Treat. There is one exception to her hunger pangs, but that isn't important right now.

Right now, Heaven needed to come up with a plan and a quick one while her mother’s subordinates went to fetch a transponder snail.

‘First, I need to know what happened on Fishman island then I go from there.’ thought Heaven watching as her mother's servant set up the transponder snail and made the call to Pekoms and Tamago ‘There is one option I can think of that I can do, but I hope it won't come to that.’

Heaven turned to her mother direction only to see the annoyance and agitation on her mother's face and form at the long wait as the snail tried to connect to the other on Fishman island.

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