The beggining

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I opened my eyes slowly as I just woke up it was early in the morning. I saw my parents walk up to me "hey honey, remember me an your father will be gone for a couple of days". My mother said as she ran her fingers through my short black hair. I saw them wearing those cool uniforms again. My parents wore a leather jacket with these wings on the back and smaller pair on the front, white skin tight pants, knee high boots, and a sash looking thing around there waist they had these long rectangular metal boxes attached to the sash things around there waist. The metal boxes had Long pieces of metal sticking out of the holes a bit. "Ok mom" I sighed I hated whenever they left. They took me to the Jaegers house to stay at. We began walking I held my mom and dad's hand. Once we arrived to there house I knocked on the door.

Mrs.Jaeger answered with a smile "Oh hello Mr. and Mrs. Brodd" she looked down at me "hello again Lia" I smiled "Hi Mrs.Jaeger". I ran up and hugged her waist since I wasn't as nearly as tall as her. "Well Lia we'll be going now" I ran out and kissed my parents checks before they left. I looked around there house "where's Eren?" I asked as his mom began to clean the dishes. "he's out with Armin and Mikasa I'm sure there by that small pond there always hanging out by". she replied "thanks"! I said as I ran out side and began looking for them. as I was walking I saw people staring at the wall. I didn't know why and I kept walking when all a sudden lightning struck outside the wall and knocked me off my feet. I looked over to were the lightning hit. I saw a giant creature raise his head above the wall he looked as if he had no skin. My mouth fell open and I began a shake in fear I watched it's hands crush the walls as it gripped it and it's foot kick a hole in the wall. A bunch of smaller giants who seemed to be naked began the walk in I watched them pick up people and eat them. I stood up quickly and began following the crowd being only 6 I had short stubby legs making me unable to run as fast as the others. I watched people pass me.

I seemed to of missed a step or something because the next thing I knew was that I was laying on the ground. I watch this giant come and look down at me. It had this smiled that spread across its entire face and black long hair. I bent down and picked me up I screamed kicking and pounding my first on it's hand. It was no use though I gave up trying when all a sudden I watched a short man wearing the same outfit as my mom and dad come flying on to the giant and slicing the nape of it's neck. I watched the giant die and it's hand released me. as I fell form the sky I started to scream when the black haired short man came and got me in his arms.

We landed on the ground and began running to the boat. I had my legs wrapped around his torso and my arms around his neck. I looked over his shoulder and saw my parents flying in the sky going to one of the giants. As my dad glided past it my mom was caught in the hand of the giant I saw her start to scream but it was no use the giant smashed her then put her in his mouth and ate her. I looked around for my dad to see him laying dead on the ground blood surrounding him. I screamed loudly "no, my parents, let me go I need to say goodbye" I said tears rolling down my face as I pounded on the mans back but he kept running. Once we got to the boat there was a crowd of people. "at least let our children on" some said I watched others try to jump on the boat but failed. The man who was carrying me lifted me from his body and held me in the air "w-who are you" I asked "you can call me Levi". He said and threw me to a person with the same uniform on. the man on the boat caught me sitting me down I looked at his leather jacket and instead of wings there was red flowers. I sat in silence shaking as I looked over to see Eren Mikasa and Armin sitting together.

I wanted to smile knowing they were ok but I couldn't I kept seeing my parents death In my head. I watched Eren rock back and fourth his knees to his chest tears rimming his eyes. "I will kill every last one of those damn titans, i will" he said to himself but loud enough for me to hear. I watched as we left many people behind and entered wall Rose.

Hey so I hope you liked the first chapter I'll try to update again tonight if I don't it's because I have to go to something for my school an then do homework. well please leave some love!

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