Its time to begin

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Today is the fifth year since the colossal titan showed up at wall Maria. Today was my first day of training. Although I am still shaking with fear inside my body I want to kill. I want to feel the titans suffer like they made me suffer like they made the world suffer. The man who I assumed was either a corporal or a commander came up and stood in front of me. "State your name and purpose"! He yelled sternly. "My name?" I said with my fist over my heart "my name is Lia Brodd and I'm hear to serve and fight to the death and win back humanity's freedom in this world. Sir." I said and took a deep breath as I realize people around me where staring almost like I just did four backflips in a row. The man said nothing but instead nodded his head and walked on.

After he was done he dismisses us to the mess hall I grabbed my plate of food and looked around where should I sit. I saw Eren Armin and Mikasa sitting at a table together but ever since that day they act like they don't even know me. Armin still acknowledges me at least. I looked over more till my eyes landed on a table with all girls I walked over to the table. "Is this seat taken" I asked a girl who was stuffing her face with food. She nodded "no" she said with a mouthful of food. You laughed at her and sat down. "Hi I'm Christa" the blonde haired girl said sweetly "and this is Ymir" she said pointing to the girl next to her with a dark brown color of hair. I smiled "I'm Lia!" "oh and this is Sasha she sorta has a thing for food" we all bursted out laughing. I saw Armin staring at me so I waved and he waved back but then started paying attention to Eren again. "Your friends with them"? Christa asked. "I was now they act like I never knew them" I sighed "I don't get why". Christa frowned "oh I'm sorry...well we can be your new best friends yay!" she smiled "ok" I said laughing we heard the bell ring. "Gosh darn I didn't even get to finish all my food" Sasha spat we all laughed and drug her out of the cafeteria to the cabin.

I laid down in my bed and stared at the ceiling as I felt my eyes grow heavy I said goodnight to and fell asleep. the next morning when I woke up I jumped out of the top bunk and started getting dressed in my uniform. "I'm so excited to begin training"! I said to Sasha "me too" she replied and we walked out of the cabin we were in. We talked all the way to the training area once we got there we stood by Ymir and Christa and began watching people. For training we were hooked up to these sling shot looking things, you have to keep your balance while your in mid-air. Once it was my turn I hooked my Sash to the wires that would soon lift me up. The man from yesterday gave the person behind me a signal to lift me up. He started lifting me up and I began to balance easily I looked around and saw these two boys I haven't seen yet. One had freckles and black hair the other had copper brown hair. After I passed the session they let me down. It was Erens turn. He began to be raised once he was of the ground he was upside down hanging.

They let him down I was confused why he couldn't balance. I looked around as people tried to hold in there laughter and the commander start to yell at him. I frowned and shook my head as we all headed off to the mess hall I sat by Sasha Christa and Ymir again today. While we were talking I looked over to the table next to us. I saw the two boys that I had seen earlier in training. "Who are they" I asked Christa "the freckled one is Marco...and the unamused one is jean". I smiled "so are guys excited to do some real training tomorrow?" I asked they all nodded and we heard the bell we got up and went to sleep. The next day we headed over to to the same spot as yesterday to see if Eren could do the odm training this time and not fail. Unfortunately he fell again as he laid on the ground the commander told him to switch belts with someone. Turns out he had a broken clasp we now moved on to practicing slicing the titans nape part of the neck. We were gliding through the forest training area as I saw Jean go his own way so I followed him, he lead to two titan dummies I passed him quickly "thanks jean for leading me here"! I smiled at him and sliced one of the titan dummies neck then ran on the trees jumping off and slicing the other. Jean stared at me in disbelief as I did some front flips I said bye and went to get some more. I saw another one and I also saw Mikasa going for it to. I got there first and sliced the nape of the neck. "Better luck next time Mikasa"! I yelled and she laughed and then moved on. When I wasn't looking I felt myself hit something hard. I felt myself falling and before I touched the ground I pulled the trigger and got my grappling device on a tree I landed on the ground a bit hard but no injures besides maybe a few scratches. I looked up to see jean standing above me. I looked over at the titan dummie to see it already had a cut in it. "Maybe you should start paying attention" he said and held out his hand "w-what did I hit" I laughed and took his hand as he pulled me up. "What did you hit me"! he started laughing "oh...did I hurt you"i asked a bit embarrassed. "no I ran into you on purpose" he smirked "w-why would you do that" I said a bit dumb founded. "Because you took my two titan dummies back there so I took yours". I gave him possibly the most unamused look ever and put my right grapple into the nearest right tree and then my left grapple into the nearest left tree. "Well jean, this was a lovely conversation but if I stay down on the ground anymore I'm missing my chances to kill titan dummies so bye bye now" I said and jumped up. "Wait what's your name" i heard jean yell "it's Lia remember that cause i only tell you twice"! I said and began going back to killing the dummies.

chapter two done! I hope you guys liked it I know it's a bit short but I hope to be writing another chapter tonight! Please leave some love!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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