Chapter 7

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After our chat in the entryway, Victor had led us to his office insisting that we have more privacy. As we passed through the hallways and wandered deeper into the castle, our path began to become more and more populated with students. It was such an odd sight, seeing people around our age carrying heavy backpacks in such a pristine environment.

Girls and guys littered the hallways, some casually hanging out whilst others seemed to be rushing to their next course. Victor led the three of us, expertly weaving through the crowd. Dane and Kaz flanked my left and right side, staying close but weirdly keeping their heads down.

"Kaz?" A screeching voice echoed down the hallway. At the sound of his name silence filled the hallways, and eyes searched for the boy standing next to me.

A blonde-haired girl strutted down the hall, eyes honed in on Kaz. Her soft curls bouncing as she picked up her pace.

"Go, go, go" Kaz rushed, ushering me towards a door his uncle and cousin had disappeared into moments before.

The girl's fists clenched when Kaz placed his hand on the small of my back. My lips tilted down at the seething glare Blondie flung my direction. Suddenly fearing for my life I rushed through the doorway, only sighing in relief when Kaz shut the door behind him.

"Crazy ex-girlfriend?" I asked, brow raised.

"Something like that." Kaz said, also seeming relieved to have avoided the confrontation.

Once the new class period had begun for most students Kaz escorted me to the nearest restroom, much to Dane's dismay, and reassured me that food was already on its way. It was as if my comment back in the entryway had suddenly reminded them all what we had been through in the past few hours, though I wasn't sure if Dane was caught up to speed quite yet. Even Victor had rushed off, after ensuring we were comfortable, to notify Dr. Gregor that I would need an appointment later this evening to check out my shoulder.

After returning from the restroom I wandered about the room, basking in its extravagance. An ornate wood desk and bookshelves filled half of the space, while a soft leather couch and small round table took up the rest.

I ran my fingers along the spines of the books, vaguely aware of the hushed whispering occurring across the study between Dane and Kaz. Script in languages unknown to me danced beneath the tips of my fingers, until one in English caught my eye. Carefully, I slid the book out and into my hands noting the fragility in the pages.

The cover was bare aside from a red flag with a white cross. Suddenly thankful for my interest in geography, I found myself recognizing Denmark's flag. The wheels in my head began to turn, each puzzle piece slowly falling in to place. Victor's slight Danish accent and Kaz's decision to change his very Danish sounding last name.

"You're from Denmark," I mumbled, not speaking loud enough for anyone to hear. How had Kaz and his relatives ended up here, on the eastern coast of the United States, of all places? What was Kaz doing in my small town, acting as an American? Why would they try to hide that they were from Denmark?

I quietly slid the book back into place and continued to move about the room. The beauty of the room escaped my notice however as my mind swirled with thoughts. Yes, the puzzle was beginning to fall into place, but there were still so many pieces that were missing. Who was Kaz Hansen?


The food came as I was still pretending to drink up the room, neither boy had noticed that my mind was elsewhere much to my relief. With a grin Dane pulled out one of the chairs around the table which was now littered with an assortment of food.

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