In need of somebody to love.

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The storm. It made windows clatter in their spots, blinds ghost up and down as if in a ho
rror movie, trees rush left and right making leaves scatter all over the dirty path beneath them. A poor village, not many people, and a single, lonely orphanage. Little footsteps pattered over a roof, followed by a little thump. Samuel Drake, teen brother of Nathan Morgan. Town's rebel, though a complete sweetheart if he liked you. It was a casual Friday, one where Sam would visit his younger brother to check in on him. Today was that one specific day where he would carry around a climbing pick and a small revolver, just in case he had to defend himself, and of course to make his way to the orphanage. He jumped down the rooftop and glared over the windows, a shadow coating most of his face. If it weren't for the bright red sleeves, he'd seem like a criminal. He grabbed onto one of the bricks, launching his body up the nearest window, pulling at it. Locked. He mentally cursed, jumping to the one on his left. Locked. He growled, moving his feet up and grabbing onto a window higher up. Finally one was open. He pulled it up and climbed inside, as stealthy as a fox.

He turned around the corner, walking down the hallway. His brother's room was at the end, just a few footsteps away. Though he immediately halted in his steps, hearing the exact same window he came through lightly creaking. This made him alert, creeping back to the same corner and looking at whatever had decided to follow him. He was absolutely shocked to see a smaller boy climbing through the window, he seemed to be struggling. Sam frowned.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" His voice was deep and threatening. He noticed the boy's expression change at this.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break in I just.. Really want friends." The boy answered with a upset look on his face, it made Samuel question why in heaven's hell he chose an orphanage like this one for that.

"You're coming to an orphanage to find friends? Buddy, this place is absolute shit." His hazel coloured eyes fell on the boy's grey-ish brown ones. It seemed to be a mix of both. Sam interrupted before the other could even speak.

"Besides, you look spoiled." He motioned towards the boy's clothes, it were all really expensive things, things he could never afford himself. "What?" The boy finally spoke, voice trembling. "You've got no idea what it's like!" He growled, looking up at the much taller boy. Though when he heard the taller brunette snap back, it caused him to feel a little scared.

"No, of course I don't know. Now you better get the fuck away from this place, or I'll come back for you and your whole little family. Understood?" He flashed rows of clear white teeth at the other, in a threatening way. Nothing sweet or soft.

"Y-Yeah- okay, sorry," he was about to turn, but a hand snuck its way up into his smooth locks, tugging him back very gently. "I'm sorry," a soft breath was released onto his head. "I didn't really mean that, I'm really sorry for saying that. The name's Sam, Samuel, whichever you like better."

There was a moment of silence between the two, before the smaller boy spoke. "Rafe, Rapheal, but don't call me by my full name or I'll kick you." Samuel chuckled. "Got it. That's a pretty name, I like it." The words made Rafe blush, a little shocked by Sam's sudden sweet tone. He was even more shocked to hear a light sniffling sound above his head, followed by a faint groan. "You smell really nice, expensive shampoo?"

"Ah, t-thank you.. Yeah, my parents got it for me." Rafe commented softly, looking up as the older boy stroked his hair, just having his face buried away into it. It felt oddly nice.. That was until a kiss was pressed against his forehead, forcing the boy out of his thoughts. "E-Eh-?" When he went to look, Samuel was gone. "Samuel..? I-" He heard some rustling from somewhere else and saw a woman turn around the corner. Out of a panic, Rafe fled back out the window, disappearing.

Sam was vested behind the wall, watching as the little boy left. His heart silently pounded against his ribs, and he wished that what he felt right now would just disappear. It was such a comfortable feeling, like it was love at first sight. He'd felt this way towards many girls before, but a boy, much younger than him was much different than anything he's experienced. He slid against the wall, staring at his knees.

"Fuck, I'm in love.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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Young, wild and free. (Uncharted Samuel Drake x Rafe Adler [Young])Where stories live. Discover now