Chapter Five // Kneel for me

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After a few days of leaving Alex chained in his room, Caleb allowed him freedom of being able to go anywhere in the mansion. The high security cameras and big ass men kept Alex from escaping, but Alex wasn't planning on it. Well not now anyway.

Alex had quickly become friends with the butler, Jimin, small but dangerous if need be. Alex's innocent and almost child-like charms got Jimin wrapped around his finger just like Caleb.

But Alex knew he had to be careful with Caleb. He was sharp for his age and what he had said to Alex kept bothering him. Caleb said he knew that Alex was a psycho just like him. But later he had fallen for his charms when Alex cried in his room. Missing connection: Alex didn't notice the slight change in Caleb back in the torture room and it was going to cost him.

Caleb was usually busy working in his study, which usually gave Alex the time to form a plan in what he should do. Why does that asshole keep me locked here when he doesn't even talk to me. I'm getting bored. Alex thought as he walked around the upstairs area eating an apple. Alex went downstairs to the kitchen to see an arrangement of knives. He smiled widely picking one up and swinging it around with a practiced hand. Time to visit Caleb.

With the glistening knife held behind his back he quietly stepped towards Caleb's study seeing the door slightly open. He pushed he door to greet Caleb with his fake sweet smile and saw Caleb slowly looking up from his papers to face him. Missing connection: the atmosphere in Caleb changed but did Alex notice? No.

Alex shyly gazed at Caleb with a small smile. "C-can I come in?" Alex asked making his voice slightly higher to match his appearance. Caleb smirked. "It would be a pleasure." Alex stepped in, one step, two steps, and closed the door. Within seconds after the click of the door closing was heard Alex had the kitchen knife pressed onto Caleb's throat but his happiness was cut short. Caleb had a knife pressed at Alex's throat as well. "My my, you never fail to amuse me Alex. I must say you are quite fast," Caleb leaned in, "but I am as well." Alex glared murderously but dropped his knife in shock when he made eye contact with Caleb. This wasn't Caleb. No no no. Who the fuck is this? "Who the fuck are you?" Alex whispered too scared to speak any louder. Caleb chuckled. "You found out. Guess I wasn't wrong when I said you were fast." Caleb walked calmly around the table to Alex who stood frozen. This wasn't Caleb. Alex in his whole life had never seen eyes so cold and psychotic. How alluring though... Alex thought trying to cover his shock with his thoughts. "Get on your knees;' Caleb said with authority laced in his voice making Alex obey without a fight.

"Let me explain," Caleb began still walking closer and closer to Alex. "And then maybe you'll understand why Caleb still thinks you're innocent when you aren't, isn't that right babyboy?" Alex shivered and nodded slowly.

"To put it simply, Caleb has DID. Dissociative Identity Disorder. From childhood trauma, Caleb has created multiple alters, or personalities, to split the pain. So far, there's Caleb's regular personality, a playful alter, and me. The psychotic one," Caleb smiled in such a way that it disturbed even Alex, but he kept silent still trying to process everything that was happening.

"I was the one that realized right away, you see. I realized that you're a psychopath too, aren't you?" Alex scowled but nodded, somewhat relieved that he was able to stop his facade in front of, well, whatever this "alter" thing was. Alex was still confused as fuck but wanted to hear what Caleb had to say. "Us alters have separate memories from Caleb, so he won't remember the things that we do or say when the alters take over. That's the reason why Caleb still believes you're innocent and a cute ass."

Alex blushed slightly but decided to speak up. "Wait, then Caleb is normal but you just take over to commit the crimes that you do and torture?" Caleb smiled again and laughed lightly. "Sometimes, but Caleb wasn't treated kindly in this world, so torturing has become a comfort to him. He tortures out of his own free will." Alex nodded in understanding.

"Well cool story and all, but what are you going to do now that you know I was about to kill you, I mean come on, even I know I would flicking skin the person that would try and kill me." Caleb laughed loudly at the comment and spoke again with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well it's a secret but little Caleb here, has feelings for you whether he wants to admit it or not, and I want to see how this goes." Alex couldn't hide the shock on his face, his mouth wide open as he stared stupidly at Caleb who laughed yet again at his reaction. This guy laughs too much, seriously. Is he high or something? Alex thought, sort of salty with how calm Caleb was even if it was his alter taking over.

"Just forget this encounter ever happened and act normal. We don't want Caleb finding out you know his little secret do we now?" Caleb winked and seemed less menacing then he had appeared in the beginning. Huh. Caleb seems more interesting than I thought. Damn it, guess I need to stay longer. Alex ignored the fact that he wanted an excuse to stay longer but didn't want to admit it. He was a psychopathic killer. He wasn't supposed to fall for some daddy that had family issues.

What the fuck universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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