Chapter 3

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"What have I done! Shit. This has got so out of hand. I was only meant to scare her into keeping quiet. Then her dad woke up and I stabbed him. Shit. Adam I stabbed him. He's dead and her mum too. Look I'm covered in blood. What do I do?"

"Shut the fuck up Jason. And calm down. You called me over here to help you and that's what I'm trying to do. You know what has to happen now. We have to finish this. Burn this place down to the ground and this will all be over with. All the evidence. Gone. It's the only way"

"Yeah the only way. It's the only way"

"Jason snap out of it. Get your shit together man! We don't have time for you to loose your head right now. There is only one way out of this. Set fire to this house. NOW!"

A pounding in my head brought me out of my brutal dream of Jason. Squinting my eyes my pupils dilated adjusting to the harsh fluorescent lighting that shone in my face. Where the hell was I.

Feeling disorientated and dizzy I tried to sit forward as my body aggressively fought against me. I felt like I had been beaten within an inch of my life. Every part of my body screamed in pain. Glancing round the room all I could see was white walls and I was lying on a bed. A persistent beeping sound caught my attention and I glanced down to my hand. I had an IV machine hooked up to me. I was in the hospital. Bringing my hand to my head I desperately fought to try and remember what would have brought me here. But nothing came. Just foggynesss. And pain.

Swinging my legs round off the bed I pushed my self into a standing position steadying myself as white stars danced in front of my eyes. Pulling my IV machine with me I slowly stepped towards the door. An older lady in her 50s with greyish blonde hair and dressed in a nurses uniform stepped into the room causing me to jump out of my skin.

"What are you doing out of bed? You are in no fit state to be walking around" she said affectionately reaching her arm around me and gently leading me back to the bed.

"Www...where am I? And what am I doing here?" My throat felt like someone had shoved razor blades down it and I coughed harshly trying to relieve the pressure.

Her face paled at my clearly confused state "Your in the hospital sweetheart. Do you not know how it came about that you ended up here?" She asked sincerely.

I desperately fought to try and remember something "all I remember is a dream. Jason. My ex he was shouting. He said." "Oh my god"I placed my hand across my mouth as tears welled in my eyes "he said he had stabbed my parents. He thought I was dead. He was going to set the house on fire."

Her friendly face now looked panic stricken "I need to get the doctor. And the police. Please wait here sweetheart I will be back in a minute I promise"

"Wait" I demanded grabbing her arm. "My parents? Are they ok. I mean it was just a dream. Wasn't it?"

Sometimes a persons face can speak a thousand words. This was one of those moments. I knew in that instance that it was true. That it wasn't a dream. It had all been real. That my parents were dead. I could see it in her eyes. She didn't need to even say anything.

"No, no, no please. It can't be."

"I'm so sorry" she gasped fighting back tears of her own. "We thought it was a house fire. We had no idea of anything else. You must speak to the police sweetheart. They will need to know this information."

In a daze I nodded my consent for her to leave the room and fetch the police for me. She hastily left leaving me alone with my thoughts. And my realisation that my parents were dead. And that it was all my fault.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Police officers informing me of the details of my parents death. How they managed to drag me out of the burning house just in time. Other than some broken ribs, concussion and lots of bruising I had managed to escape without fatal injury. After Jason knocked me unconscious he just assumed he had killed me. The altercation between me and Jason must have woken my parents causing a confrontation that had ended In him stabbing them to death before he had set fire to the house to hide all the evidence. The only part he hadn't bargained on was me surviving.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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