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Beeb beeb beeb bee-
Hoseok woke up to the sound of his alarm. He looked at his clock while yawning, it was 6:00 which meant he had one hour to get ready for his job, yes he works at his best friend's cafe since he lives alone and needs to pay the rent. Today is Friday so he doesn't have classes. He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom that connected to his room.

He took a hot shower while playing with the water and humming to a song he heard yesterday. He is pretty childish. Getting out of the tub, Hoseok headed to his closet, taking out simple clothes. A white oversized t-shirt and a skinny black jeans, he tucked the front of the t-shirt in his pants and made his way to the living room.

Hoseok lived in one floor apartment with a kitchen, a living room and two rooms. He only used one room though and the other room was for guests even though the only guests that comes over are his best friend, Jin and his boyfriend Namjoon.

Hoseok decided not to make breakfast since it's early and he's gonna eat at Jin's cafe anyway, so instead he sat on his couch and put on one of his favorite cartoons.

It's been 20 minutes and Hoseok already got bored, he was a very energetic person so he gets bored easily. Hoseok got up and walked to his room and decides to clean it since it was so messy it was not that messy but decides to clean it anyway since he is very clean person and didn't have anything to do.

It was 6:50 when he finished. Hoseok grabs his phone and wallet while plugging in his earphones, he goes out of his house not forgetting to lock it.

Hoseok was skipping down the street smiling so bright that he could blind you, making everyone's day by just witnessing his bright smile.

Finally reaching the cafe, he opened the door immediately getting hit by the smell of coffee and pancakes in the air. He walked in closing the door behind himself, he saw Jin wiping the table, "Good morning hyung?" he greeted brightly as he took a sit at one of the tables, Jin looked up at him and smiled,

"Morning hobi? How are you?" hoseok got up and hugged the elder, "I'm fine, you?" Jin let go of the younger, "am pretty good, did you eat breakfast yet?" He asked,

"No hyung, I wanted to eat your amazing pancakes, it's been awhile since I ate them" Hoseok answered cheerfully. Jin smiled at his cute friend and patted his hair "Okay I'll make it for you. Go sit down there" he said pointing to a table. See these two had a sweet friendship.

After about 10 minutes, Jin came back with a plate of pancakes and sweet tea. Hoseok hates coffe because it's too bitter. He only loves sweet things. Jin set on the table and sat himself down across hoseok. "Thank you hyung..... where's namjoon by the way, he is always with you" hoseok asked already digging the pancakes.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. He is going to perform in a club tonight as a D.j so he was preparing for it, he couldn't make it." Jin said,

"c-club..?" Hoseok asked, "yeah, hobi" hoseok was curious so he asked "hyung, are you going to see? I mean the performance." He asked, "of course yeah" Jin said happily, thinkomg how amazing his boyfriend's gonna look while performing. "Hyung, can I go with you?" Hoseok asked, snapping him out of his daydream. "No hobi, it's not good for you, do you even know what a club is?" Jin asked turning his full attention to the younger.

Hoseok thought about it for a minute before saying "isn't it like a big floor where you dance with music?" He said thinking that is what actually a clubbing meant. Jin looked at him saying, "Well.... that is apart of it..." hoseok took his las bite "Hyung please let me go with you... I really wanna to see namjoon-hyung perform." Jin shook his head, "no hoseok, there are bad people at the clubs, it's bad for you." Hoseok looked down, making sad puppy eyes that his hyung won't let him go.

Jin sighed, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He cubbed the younger's cheeks. And said, "Okay, I will let you go with me, if are going be a good boy and won't disappear from my sight all night." Hoseok looked up and smiled, hugging the elder. "I promise, I will behave. Thank you hyung."

"Okay, get up and start working costumers are coming already." Jin said picking up the plate and the mug that hoseok used. "Okay!!" Hoseok yelled skipping to the employees office. Jin just smiled at his too adorable friend.


"Yah park fucking jimin!!" a very angry Jungkook yelled on the phone. "Good morning to you too jungkook" a very sleepy jimin answered. "Why the fuck didn't you come to work yet, it's fucking 8:00 you piece of shit!!"
"Come down, jungkook I was drunk last night and set my alarm to 600 instead of 6:00" jimin said chuckling at his stupidity.

  "You better show up in 2 minutes if you don't want to get fired" jungkook said angrily. "That is not even enough time to wash my dic-" jungkook hung up on him not wanting to listen to his bull shit anymore.

   Well the thing is jungkook woke up this morning extra early because he had a lot of work to do. And his parents weren't helping at all, they were on vacation telling him to look after the company and not to disappoint them blah blah. So he was extra grumpy this morning. He couldn't wait to go out clubbing tonight.

   He just hopped he could finish at least half of the paperwork. Jungkook started working, cursing jimin under his breath for not showing up early and that he had to do all the work by himself.

Okay that was the first chapter. Wow 1019 words. Thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter 💜💜

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