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Chapter 1 - The (Un)happy Couple

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Chapter 1

"TWO HOUSEHOLDS, both alike in dignity," Vivienne's father muttered to himself during the drive to the diner. "In fair Verona, where we lay our scene."

"Dad," Vivienne moaned, laying her head against the cool glass of the car window. "Please, don't do this in front of Daniel."

"From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."

"He's going to think you're crazy, just like everyone else," Vivienne said.

"He's just showing off his new job teaching middle school Shakespeare," Janun said with a roll of her eyes. "Unlike dad, I have a real job."

"Yeah, you're a town mascot for a tiny town," Vivienne said. "Call me when you have any actual power." That promptly quieted Janun. Funny, after not seeing her family for so long, they could still bicker like only sisters can. Vivienne was attending college far from home while her parents were still living in Remin. She had recently gotten engaged to a boy named Daniel Jones, much to the unhappiness of her very snobby father. Vivienne played with the small diamond engagement ring on her ring finger. Mrs. Jones, it sounded like the wrong name for a girl like herself.

Vivienne studied her reflection in the car window. She had done her stark black hair up in a bun. The baby fat in her cheeks had faded over the years and her cheekbones were becoming more pronounced. Her pale blue eyes stared back at her, reflected in the darkness beyond the window. She pressed her lips together in a thin line of aggravation. It was starting to rain.

"Tell us about Daniel," her mother said. "We want to hear all about him."

"He's studying accounting," Vivienne said. "And he likes to play video games. He's a warm body, and that's good enough on most nights."

Janun chuckled. "So cynical, Vivienne. I'm just dating again and I will not settle for anyone who is just a warm body."

"Whose misadventure piteous overthrows, do with their death bury their parents' strife," her father continued as he pulled into the diner parking lot yelling loudly out his opened car window. Vivienne quickly stepped out and slammed the car door behind her. Her parents were meeting Daniel for the first time, and Vivienne knew they were already off to a bad start.

Her father was, until recently, an unemployed gambler. Today, he was making a point not to put any effort into meeting her fiancé. Her sister was still nursing a broken heart from being jilted by a handsome boy who had tried to kill her. If things couldn't get worse, they bumped into Vivienne's childhood friend Allison Devon in the parking lot.

Allison was with her boyfriend, the boring quarterback. Vivienne wasn't sure why, but it annoyed her to see Allison so carefree and happy. "Whose parent's strife?" Allison asked with a laugh and she ran over to hug Vivienne's parents. Her mother stroked Allison's hair and remarked on how she had grown. Vivienne tried to usher her parents into the diner before the awkward encounter could continue.

"He's quoting Shakespeare," Vivienne said hastily. "He's just happy to be teaching again. God knows, he puts more effort into that than my love life."

"Dad used to teach Shakespeare in Manna City," Janun said. "It was the highlight of his life."

"Oh," Allison said with a bored expression on her face. "Vivienne told me about that. I've been there and there's nothing of value there."

"Vivienne found something of value," Janun giggled. "Did she ever tell you about a boy she used to pl—"

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