Prologue: A (not) Heroine is born

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Human, are not all equal at birth.

This is a fact that I realized when I was three years old.

Because... no matter how I think about it, clearly I am the strongest.


A Useless Goddess

In a pure white room, Goddess Aqua lazily read another stack of paper. It was another record of how someone lived and died.

Aqua was a goddess in charge of young people who died in Japan. You might not believe it, but the amount of people who died young was big. The monotone work of guiding the lost souls took a toll on her, she was stressed and she needed an outlet.

Maybe this one would relieve her stress. She couldn't help but laugh when reading about this young man's cause of death. Maybe she could get an entertainment by teasing him, Aqua thought while taking out a snack.

With a fwoosh by her hand, she let the soul of one Satou Kazuma enter the white room.

Only, instead of a japanese teenage boy, the one appearing was a little girl with long white hair, blood red eyes, and wearing an oversized white gown with strange design, seven golden circles decorating the front of the dress. A big elaborate crown rested on her head. She also wore white stockings with matching design.

Was it in fashion for a young man to dress as a girl? And was he even Japanese? Aqua would suspect a case of mistaken identity if she didn't know the power of Heaven's System. The system had 99.99% accuracy rate.

The 0.01% error margin? That was for the improbable case of something interfering with the system. For example, if an artifact with great power that can literally grant miracles somehow screwed up soul transmigration.

Never gonna happen.

Let's not waste time and do this quickly.

"Satou Kazuma-san, welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you've died. It might've been short, but your life's now over."

The little girl was confused, looking around the room with wide eyes. "Where is this place?"

Aqua repeated again with annoyance. "This is afterlife, and you are here because you have died."

The little girl then looked at the woman talking to her

In the room was an office desk and a chair, and a woman was sitting on it. The little girl examined the woman. The teenage aged woman looked beautiful, beyond what human could be.

She had long, silky smooth blue hair. She wasn't too busty nor too lacking, and had a light-purple hagoromo draped over her clothes.

"Are you the Holy Grail?" The little girl asked, feeling doubt inside her. Wasn't the Holy Grail made using her ancestor as a core? Then the manifestation supposed to appear like her, with white hair and red eyes.

The woman blinked with her blue eyes. "Excuse me? I am Goddess Aqua. I'm a goddess that guides young people who die in young age. Do you remember your cause of death? Satou Kazuma-san."

The little girl searched her left and right, and also behind her. Seeing no one, she asked the goddess, "Are you talking to me?"

"Of course I am!" Aqua half shouted. She was getting more annoyed. Not only this boy delayed the process, he was even more dimwitted than she expected. "Now I will refresh your memory about your death."

Aqua then summarized the incident. Satou Kazuma, a shut in with game addiction, left his house to buy a first limited online game. On his way back home, he tried to save a girl from being run over by a truck.

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