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Hello and thank you for choosing to read my story! Let me warn you, this is my first story so it may get a little cringy because keep in mind I am 15. But I have written short stories before and I do have a idea on where I want this story to go. So I hope you stick around and enjoy the first chapter!


Chapter one ~ Unorthodox way of meeting someone


"NO! Luna you're the one who ate the last cupcake, you asked for this." Jake shouted as he bolted out of the house to the back gate.

I was currently chasing my little brother, Jake, around the backyard to try and get my journal back from him. He only took it because I ate his cupcake, but hey I was hungry and his name wasn't on it. 

He ran around the big oak tree in our yard and then started to circle the pool. While he was distracted I changed direction and bolted around the pool in the opposite direction. When Jake realized what had happened it was too late. I was already launching myself at him.

"I TOLD YOU TO GIVE IT BACK!" I punched his shoulder, and stomach, and slapped him a little. When I finally managed to get my journal back, Jake decided that he deserved to get a few hits in on me.


"Jake! You're over-reacting, it was a freaking cupcake! How was I supposed to know?!?" At this point mom walked into the yard to break us up.

"KIDS! ENOUGH!" I swear my mom was the sweetest woman alive, but when she gets mad you do not want to be on the receiving end of said anger.

My mom was absolutely gorgeous, she has wavy dark brown hair that reaches her waist, a slender face and fit body. But the thing that stands out the most is her striking green eyes, they are so beautiful. Jake looks like an exact replica but with much more masculine features. I on the other hand only inherited mom's hair, but I got stuck with the traitor's eyes.

"Sorry mom, but she ate my cupcake!" Jake is definitely milking this, I mean come on it's a cupcake.

"Jake Ryan Spadafora I can bake more cupcakes, that is no excuse to steal your sister's journal. You know that is a very personal item, now both of you apologize to each other." 

I definitely did not want to apologize for eating a stupid cupcake, but I suppose I did physically attack him. But he took my journal, I write absolutely everything in that book but I'll be the bigger person.

"Jake, I'm truly sorry for eating your cupcake." I had to hold in my eye roll, I mean are you kidding me I ate a cupcake it's not like I killed his cat.

"I'm sorry too Lulu, I shouldn't of taken your journal." I could tell he was doing the same thing as me, just getting it over with to make mom happy.

"That is much better, now come on I made chicken parmesan for dinner." My mom's food is the best. "Oh and after dinner you two can go to the park if you would like."


Jake and I were on our way to the park to play soccer, we did this almost everyday. Soccer is the only activity we can do together without it ending in a verbal and sometimes physical fight.

"Come on Lulu, I start highschool tomorrow. Can you please talk to the coach for the boys soccer team, just try to persuade him into getting me onto the team?"

"I'm sorry bud, but I can't do that. You know that is a unfair advantage, and just think of how proud you will be of yourself when you get onto the team based on your skills!" I would help him if I could but Coach Webber does not take persuasion lightly. If I were to say something, coach wouldn't even care if Jake was the best player there, he would say no because it would be unfair.

"You know what, you're right! Come on let's go play some soccer!" While he ran past me he smacked the ball out from under my arm and kept running.

"Hey, get back here!" I chased after him and we ended up in the middle of the park where the field is. I ran up to Jake and kicked the ball out from under his foot. I did a few rainbows and kept running, I turned around only to find Jake in a mud puddle.

"Ja-jake how did you fa-fall." I said between laughs.

"Don't laugh! I slipped" Yea that didn't stop me from breaking down in hysterics. "Come on Luna, help me up please."

After I sobered up I walked over to Jake and held my hand out for him to take.  "Well come on now, I don't got all day" He reached out and grabbed my hand and I hoisted him up.

"Okay Luna come on stop laughing." I couldn't help it, it looked like he shit himself. After a few minutes of me laughing at my little brother he got annoyed and pushed me. 

I turned and put my arms out expecting to hit the grass, but what I hit hurt more then the ground. I opened my eyes and was met with haunting dark, almost black, brown eyes. Turns out I fell right on to someones chest and was now basically straddling him. 

"Can you get your fat ass off me?" Excuse me, I know this stranger did not just call me fat.

I got off the mystery guy and dusted myself off. "Um excuse you but I'm not fat, I'm of the healthy weight for a girl my age thank you very much." To say I was pissed would be a understatement, I was vivid. I mean who does he think he is?

I looked him up and down, he had black hair and was about 5'10 where I was 5'8 and a half. He was dressed in black jeans, a dark red shirt and black leather jacket. He was definitely giving me 'bad boy' vibes.

"You done checking me out, sorry princess but you aren't really my type." I only now realized that I left the house in Adidas track pants and a dark blue hoodie. My hair was in the messy bun I slept in last night, but other than that I looked the way I always do. 

"I'm not checking you out, I'm trying to find where your ego stops. At the moment my answer is that it is never ending." Okay I'll admit that wasn't my best line but hey this is a very unorthodox way to meet someone.

"Sassy, I like that. Now tell me princess, I lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?" Is he serious?  

"Aw that was cute. But I thought I wasn't your type." I turned around and started to walk back to the entrance. But before I was out of ear range I thew "Have a nice day, or not I truly don't care." over my shoulder and kept walking.

"What the heck was up with that guy?" Jake asked while he caught up with me.

"I have no idea, but it's your fault that I met that douche."

We bickered the rest of the way home...


I hope you liked it, and I also hope that you stick around for rest of the story. Feel free to leave any feedback and if you see any mistakes feel free to correct me. Also if someone could tell me how to create a cute cover photo that would be great!

~xoxo Tori

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