How to cast a magic circle

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Step one:
Find a flat, open space, indoors or outdoors — where you won't be disturbed by anyone or thing.

Step two:
Find the four cardinal directions using a compass.

Step three:
Place a representation of each element at the corresponding points, examples:
Earth- rock, crystal, potted plant, dirt
Air- feather, sage, birds wing
Fire- candle, matches
Water- sea shell, dried fish

Step four:
Stand facing east is the centre of the circle, relax and breath until you feel at peace. Envision the wind blowing around you and get in tune with the element of air, say "spirits of air, I call on you."
Turn to the south and envision fire and the sun beating down on you, get in tune with the element of fire, say "spirits of fire, I call on you."
Turn to the west and envision water flowing around you, say "spirits of water, I call on you."
Turn to the North and conjure up the scent of the earth after it rains, feel the earth under your feet, say "spirits of earth I call on you."
Still facing the North, become aware of your feet and envision a beam of light going down into the earth, say "Mother Earth I call on you."
Then, facing the sky envision a beam of light going into the earth's atmosphere coming from your head, say "father sky I call on you."
Feel protected by the circle and let gratitude take over, say "thank you, thank you, thank you, the circle is cast, blessed be."

Step five:
Complete your spell or summoning sitting in the circle.

Step six:
Thank each element saying "(element), you were here, and I thank you." When you do this face the direction of that element, once you are done thanking each element, say "thank you, thank you, thank you, blessed be, and so it is." After a moment, say "the circle is open but never broken. The love of the goddess is forever in my heart, Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again."


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