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Jennie entered the house, she heard the loud music playing and people chattering around. It looks like the party has been going on for a while now.

She quickly spotted Nayeon who was chatting with Jeongyeon on the couch. Nayeon immediately got up when she saw Jennie enter the living room.

"Where have you been?" Nayeon asked as she pulled Jennie into the living room. "I've been texting you for like an hour."

"Sorry. I had to walk to get here." Jennie explained as she waved to Jeongyeon and the other girl smiled at her.

"Walk? It's not safe to walk around alone, Jen." Nayeon scolded. "And what are you doing walking alone when you have Lisa to drive you around?"

"She's already here?" Jennie asked as she looked around the room, trying to look for the blonde but she frowned when she didn't see the blonde anywhere.

"Yeah. I saw her earlier." Nayeon looked at the younger girl with a confused expression. "Didn't she tell you?"

"She didn't." Jennie answered dryly.

"What aren't you telling me?" Nayeon questioned accusingly, when she heard how her friend answered her. They've known each other for a few years now. She knows when the younger girl is hiding something from her.

Jennie looked at the older girl and saw that her friend won't just let it go. So, Jennie decided to just tell her friend.

"About that. Uhm. We're kinda sorta having a tiny fight." Jennie mumbled.

"Wait, what? OMG. Tell me everything." Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon and mouthed that she will be back, and then dragged Jennie into a quiet corner away from all the noise and people. "So...what happened between you two?"

"We- I don't really. We just- Uhm..." Jennie stammered. Not really knowing how to say what she wanted to say.

"Just say it, Jen." Nayeon demanded irritably.

"We kinda did it." Jennie whispered in a tiny voice.

"What do you mean?" Nayeon looked at the other girl with a confused expression.

"Oh come on. Don't make me say it out loud." Jennie whined.

"What are you even talking about?" Nayeon wondered, still completely oblivious to what the brunette wanted to tell her.

Jennie rolled her eyes and then leaned in to whisper it to Nayeon.

"You and Lisa had se-" Jennie put her hand over Nayeon's mouth to shut her up.

"Shh. Don't shout it!" Jennie protested. She looked around the room to see if anyone was looking at them. But luckily people seem to be minding their own business completely ignoring the two brunettes.

"I mean, WOW! YOU AND LISA?" Nayeon said with the fakest voice she can manage.

"I can hear the sarcasm in your voice, you know?" Jennie rolled her eyes.

"You just told me you and Lisa, you know." Nayeon wiggled her eyebrow and smirked at Jennie.

"Mature." Jennie grumbled. "Very mature."

"Anyways, you just told me that like it's the most shocking thing." Nayeon said and looked at the younger girl who almost gasped at what she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you really think you two are being subtle? Are you trying to make me laugh?" Nayeon snorted as she looked at Jennie's expression. "Wait, are you serious?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jennie replied.

"When you think about it, it's more surprising it took this long for you two to actually get together," Nayeon pointed out. "And the fact that you act more like a couple than most couples that I know?"

"That's not- We're best friends!" Jennie defended.

"Please, Jennie, how long will you two be using the bff card?" Nayeon huffed.

"She doesn't like me like that." Jennie protested.

Nayeon laughed, "What? But you had se-" Nayeon started but Jennie cut her off.

"We were drunk! And she left! She didn't even stay." Jennie whispered angrily. Jennie wiped the small tear that fell from her eye.

"Wait? She left you? When did this happen exactly?" Nayeon asked, not really believing Lisa would do that.

"A week ago. She's been avoiding me ever since." Jennie frowned when she remembered she hasn't talked to Lisa for a week now. She doesn't like it. She hates when they fight and this is one of the longest they have gone not talking to each other.

"You called her after?" Nayeon asked.

"I didn't. Why would I?" Jennie scoffed at the idea. Why does she have to be the one to call Lisa? She didn't do anything wrong.

"Aish. These idiots. How do you know she's avoiding you if you didn't try calling her?" Nayeon was so close to smacking her friend. She can't believe these idiots are still acting this stupid around each other.

"I finally found you two." Nayeon and Jennie heard someone say, they turned and saw the girl approaching them.

"Didn't I tell you I was coming back?" Nayeon glared at her girlfriend.

"I got bored. You left me there, I have no one to talk to." Jeongyeon explained and then turned to Jennie, "Hey Jen, let's ditch the grandma, you haven't had a drink."

"Okay, let's go." Jennie followed Jeongyeon as they made their way to the drinks table. Nayeon huffed but followed the two.

Jennie grabbed a cup for herself. As she looked at the people dancing around, she finally saw the person she'd been secretly wanting to see all day.

After Jennie poured herself a drink, she emptied her cup in one go and Nayeon and Jeongyeon's eyes grew wide when they saw what she did.

"Jen, what the hell? Are you that thirsty?" Nayeon stared at the younger girl.

Jennie ignored her and filled her cup again. She looked back and saw the blonde dancing with someone.
'What is she doing with that witch?' Jennie thought as she drank the alcohol again.

Jennie sat in one of the couch. She still had the perfect view of the 'dance floor'. She was secretly watching Lisa who was still dancing with Tzuyu, oblivious to the pair of eyes on them.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon just watched her as she continued glaring at the two women. They were waiting if the brunette would actually something about what she is seeing right now. They didn't really have to wait that long.

When Tzuyu leaned in to whisper something into Lisa's ear and Lisa smiled at the taller girl, Jennie lost it and got up the couch.

Jennie went straight to the kitchen. There were a few people in the kitchen but luckily, they went out when the brunette entered the room. Jennie grabbed a glass and went to get water from the fridge. She slowly drank the water to calm herself down.

Jennie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She suddenly heard someone open the door, "Jennie?" The person asked hesitantly.

'You have got to be kidding me!' Jennie cursed in her head as she saw the last person she wanted to see right now standing in front of her.

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