Hello Monday

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The bell rang announcing the end of yet another day, Kayler was more than ready to leave Ghrian High, which she affectionately dubbed as Purgatory, Pee for short. Of course, many may think that she was a tad dramatic and that school was not as bad as she thought, but Kayler would disagree with them. In her experience, having to check her locker for traps every morning and having to check meticulously that she had shut it properly before going to class was what she qualified as 'that bad'. But then again, everything is a matter of perspective.

Hers just happens to be the one where Pee mimicked a macabre scene. A canvas splashed red by the blood of her predecessors. The classroom that made her claustrophobic with how lonely she felt around students who envied and despised her. The hallways that were a real war zone, dangerous enough that she had to invent a tune just to rein in her fear as she commuted from class to class. The teachers that she could not rely on, the students that were out to get her and the principal whose only objective was to further his own agenda by sucking up to all the students so that they would talk favourably about him to their parents. A system of corruption and that she had never wanted to be a part of. Something they noticed two years ago. Until then she had been just an anonymous girl, a scholarship student unworthy of their attention. But as she packed her books Kayler refused to think about that first of high-school.

Securing her headphones on her head and slinging her bag over her shoulder, she exited her classroom, eyes to the ground and senses on alert. If she could make it to the parking lot without and glitch then her day would be officiously over. She cut through the garden to avoid those she knew would never dirty their shoes by walking in the grass and walked as fast as she could to lose those that would never lower themselves to doing anything close to running after someone. And it paid because she reached her car, a little out of breath but otherwise safe and sound. Digging into her pocket she pulled out her car keys, Kayler unlocked her yellow Camaro, a gift from 'daddy dearest' for her sixteenth birthday two years ago. She had been so shocked that he remembered her birthday, let alone that she was a transformers' fan that she had hugged him. The frozen stiff expression he wore for the rest of the day should have hurt her but only served to brighten her day. Just remembering it brought a smile to her face as she dumped her bag in the passenger's seat and sat behind the wheel. Ready to start the ritual that helped her unwind a little before she reached home. Setting her headphones next to her she took a deep breath and started the engine. As it roared to life, she leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. This was her favourite part of the day. Just staying there in her car for half an hour surrounded by the rumbling of her car. She could let go of all the tension she had accumulated and prepare for the arctic winds that blew at home.

Unfortunately, after only five minutes, her piece of heaven was shattered by loud banging on her window. Startled she snapped her head around to see Marc and his goons standing by her car and motioning for me to come out. All the calm she had gathered in those brief minutes evaporated instantly. For a brief moment, she thought about ignoring them and driving away. But rationale crushed that thought as all the horrible things they could do in retaliation came to mind. Her shoulders dropped in defeat as she stopped the engine and stepped out of the car.

"What do you want this time Marc?" she asked trying to look as nonchalant as possible.

"I am sure you know what I want Kayler" he answered, chuckling softly and by the same occasion making Kayler tense. Nothing good came out of Marc's good mood. She knew from experience that the more he smiled and acted familiar with her, the more damage she took.

"And I am sure I don't" she spat crossing her arms to ward off whatever he was about to hit her with, which only made him chuckled some more. How she hated it when he chuckled, as his white perfectly aligned teeth were briefly revealed, the flash of brightness blinding her momentarily.

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