I'm so very sorry for not posting yesterday! I hope u all understand. I was forced to come out to the living room with the others all day. I mean, I wanted to go get my phone but-just ONE problem... When I bring my phone out to the living room, they always go behind my back when standing up or sitting down and try to sneak a look(s).
No, not u people but-you know. My family. They always do. So, as a result to that, I didn't and then my aunt came to pickyom up at five and she stayed way too long.
And she's also preeeety nosey. That's why I didn't post and yea-ik-it sounds so stupid. Well, would you rather me get caught, not doing something I shouldn't, but my family doesn't like me texting someone, they I have to know them irl. I think that's just stupid but I can agree with them tho. Buuuut yea, I'm sorry guys.
Hope u all can forgive me! ByeBye!! ❤❤❤