What Have They Done to the Rain

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"You really had to bring that didn't you?" James asked as he and Sirius made their way to the shrieking shack. "We're too bloody big to be under here as it is." 

Sirius shifted under the invisibility cloak, the record player in his arms not easing any difficulty. Through the cloak, he could feel snowflakes landing on the top of his head. 

"Prongs, when he wakes up tomorrow, you and Peter are going to be hours away and he'll think I'm only here because I feel guilty about that. Is that what you want?" He asked, more defensive than he meant to. He had always been protective over Moony, even before....recent developments. 

James went quiet, realizing how true the statement was, and sighed. "I know Pads. But do you think that'll really help him feel better?" 

It was a question that Sirius didn't really know the answer to. He hoped it would help. He hoped the gesture of bringing a muggle record player to a werewolf transformation and hand picking the song he thought would help the most would be enough to show that Sirius was staying at school of his own accord, not because of guilt. But he didn't know how much newfound feelings and realizations were clouding his judgement. 

"Sirius?" James asked, nudging his friend under the cloak. 

Sirius looked to him, barley able to make out a face under the cloak and through the thickening darkness of the school grounds. There was curiosity there, he knew, because there always was. But something else was hidden in the twilight. 

"I hope it does." He said simply as they stepped into the willow. 

Somewhere hidden beneath his stomach, Sirius could feel that he wasn't really doing this to prove he didn't feel guilty. It was part of it, absolutely the part that he would tell James, but not the biggest part. The biggest part was stashed away in the feeling of Remus' skin beneath his and watching him warm his hands on a fresh cup of tea. He didn't want to call it love, at least not in that sense of the word. He loved all his friends, and he could point out a handful of things from each of them that made him happy to be a fellow marauder. James' determination and eye for clever pranks, Peter's willingness to help with everything, regardless of how dangerous (or admittedly illegal on occasions) it was. But with Remus, it was different. It was more than just being appreciative of his traits, but it was being appreciative of every aspect of him. 

"Are you alright mate?" James said as he pulled off the invisibility cloak and folded it neatly, placing it on an old crate in the hall. With light now flooding them, Sirius could make out his face more clearly. His brows were furrowed and his lips were curled into a not-quite-smile, but something very close. 

"Yeah, course I am." Sirius said, slightly false enthusiasm spreading across his face. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

James was about to reply when an already rat-like Peter trotted to them, squeaking and running round their feet. 

"Whats wrong?" Sirius asked as their friend turned back into a human being. 

"Nothing, I don't think." He said, his face unreadable. "He's just...laying." 

"What do you mean just laying?" James asked, grabbing at Sirius' shoulder. Sirius hadn't realized he'd been stepping forward towards the door Moony hid behind. 

"He's awake and he's fine, but he isn't moving." Peter said, rubbing his hands together. "He just seems tired." 

"The wolf doesn't get tired, Peter." Sirius said, breaking free of James' grip. "Move out of the way." 

Peter obliged and parted, giving Sirius an open way towards the wolf. 

"Pads, hold on." He said, calling after his friend, but Sirius wasn't really listening. "Maybe we should get Pomfrey or Dumbledore if he's acting-"

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