After Moon 05

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Her hand was shaking, she couldn't believe it. Was this it? She could feel her tears drop from one eye then the other.

She tried to fake a smile. She was really excited when she saw an update from his group's sns account.

It had been a week since he told her those words. Another week of no calls from him and simple messages saying, have fun and take care only. Messages she didn't feel any of his sincerity.

Yet, she followed him. She nodded to his request and had kept her word, her promise to him. She gave him all his trust.

But to her dismay, she got this. She wanted to erase all the thoughts clouding her mind at that moment. She didn't want to make assumptions. She didn't even receive any confirmation from him.

What if this was what he really wanted to say? There are a lot of what if's in her head right at that moment.

She couldn't help but started sobbing. She didn't know why but the thoughts she was having felt real. Her heart is broken into tiny, little pieces. It was shattered.

"Tzuyu~yah, gwenchana?" she didn't notice but Chaeyoung had entered their shared bedroom. She faced her friend and just hugged the girl tight. She wanted to stop crying but she couldn't.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. You're strong! You can do this! She convinced herself then smiled.

"Gwenchana?" she turned to her side. She nodded with a grin on her face.

"Gomawo Chaeyoung~ah," she thanked. The girl did an ok sign and returned her smile.

They were now being prepped as it was now that time for the year when they celebrate end of the year music festivals.

It was Christmas and she promised herself not to think too much. She'll obviously see him tonight but she made a pact not to let him affect her.

As her group had entered the stage, other artists were already there, his group too. She didn't want to mind him. How was she supposed to do that when she could already feel his strong, serious stares at her? She managed to keep her face straight and just look at and smile to the audience and cameras.

The event went well, to her luck. She had performed with her group well, keeping her focus on her performances that night. She had also performed a special stage with other girl group members.

It was the end of the festival and all the artists were given time to greet their fans. There were a lot of artists so each group took time and were in a queue. She was first from her members. Whenever her group passed by his group, she just looked to the other side as seeing him would only hurt her.

She furrowed her brows when she noticed she was alone. Where are the unnies? She had figured out that she had walked too fast, she forgot to mind her group members at her back.

This is what you get when you're too preoccupied of him! She mentally scolded herself. She wanted to slap herself too. Now, the only way for her was to walk faster and just head back to their dressing room.

She ran when she saw the way to the backstage. She stopped running when she noticed him with two of his members ahead of her. She was secretly hoping he wouldn't notice her.

Oh no! She closed her eyes as she saw him looking at her. He had seen her.

She tried to lower her pace but still continued walking but he too had lowered her pace for her. She sighed inwardly.

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