Chapter 10: It's Tearing Me Apart

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~Camila's POV~
"Lemme guess. Your mom is in another meeting?" Shawn guesses, I nod sheepishly.
"I really need to take driver's ed," I sigh.
"Where would you be without me?" Shawn smirks.
could call Austin.." I murmur, as we walk to his car," But he's probably at lacrosse.."

~Austin's POV~
"And we ran out of gas perfect," I sigh, as I put the car in park.
"So what now?" Lauren asks.
"And we're only a few miles away from the losers' perfect. And she thinks I'm at lacrosse.."
"I don't even know why you're still with her..just do it. Break up with her already," Lauren demands.
"Just a little bit longer," I assure her, as I grab her hand. "And look a gas station right over there.."
"What's taking so long?" Lauren yells from the closed window.
"We're completely drained," I inform her.
"Austin, she's here.."

~Shawn's POV~
I don't know why it's taking Camila so long...and perfect. They're here.
I see Camila approaching the car, as I see Austin get out of his car. I swiftly bolt from the car, grabbing her hand and guide her to the car.
"Shawn, calm down. My mom comes home in 15 minutes. I'll still have an extra 5 minutes to act like I'm doing my homework.." Camila explains, as she shuts the passenger door, and I start the car.

~Camila's POV~
"I told you that we'd be 5 minutes early," I playfully hit his shoulder.
"So how'd you like it being the overprotective mother?" Shawn smirks.
"You make it look so easy. But it's pretty easy since we're best friends and stuff," I smile," Danielle still ships us by the way."
"Of course," Shawn chuckles.
Camila nods," Is there anything you wanna tell me, Shawnito?"
"Ok, fine, fine. I'm sorry, ok? I should've told you about the fight and what happened and stuff. And I will-just not now," he confesses.
"It's ok. Just tell me when you're ready," I reply.
"I'm sorry. I wanna tell you right now. But it's not the right time," he sighs, brushing his hands through his hair and turning around," I don't know when is.."
"It's ok!" I assure him," Just tell me when--"
"That's just it-I don't know when "ready" is! It may be years from now, when we don't talk anymore and go to college," Shawn spats with anger.
I just embrace him into a hug.
I wish there was something else I could do. Besides be the victim all the time...

~Lauren's POV~
"I'm telling you, Austin, she knows," I bring up my concern," she knows about us."
"Even if she did, Shawn would definitely convince her otherwise," he smiles at me, as he grabs my hand. "He wouldn't want to see Camila get hurt," he mockingly pouts.
I'm trusting you.

Shawn, you better have somewhat talked to her about the fight because if you haven't, you're a horrible friend.
"So what happened..?" I come in front of his locker.
"I told her that I'll tell her when it's the right time," he says, nonchalantly, getting his books.
"And..clearly Austin showed up sometime in this timeline," I observe Shawn's calm facial expression.
"Ugh," he sighed, annoyed," You know how close she was to finding out?! The truth? Ugh," he slams his locker door, angrily. Confused and shocked faces shower Shawn with looks, he just scoffs and walks to class.

~Shawn's POV~
I know I didn't have to make a scene, but ugh. Camila was close to finding out the truth. The only thing I've hid from her this month and a half. And she's told me everything. I guess I just keep this up with the belief that she'll understand...
"Shawn!" I try to scare him from behind. "Heading to class so soon?"
"I thought you'd already be in class," I chuckle.
"I know you already said that you weren't ready to tell me--"
"And that's fine. I just wanted to tell you that if you ever change your mind...I'm always here to listen," Camila gives me a reassuring smile.

~Camila's POV~At Lunch~
I approach Austin and Lauren at our usual picnic table out in the courtyard. With chocolates.
"You got me chocolates?!" I squeal, as Austin gives me a forced smile.
"Sorry I couldn't resist," he hands the box over to me," but the rest is yours."
"Valentine's Day is like a month and..some days away," I give me a look and chuckle.
"Always the best for you," he chuckles, as he nudges Lauren's elbow.
Maybe I shouldn't ignore my instincts just yet.

~Austin's POV~
She gets more and more annoying everyday.
"She knows," Lauren mouths quickly, as Camila munches on her chocolates. I snicker.
She's too oblivious to know anything.

~Lauren's POV~
It was your mistake underestimating her too much, Austin.
" are your guys' day going? Anything interesting happening?" Camila asks with a suspicious tone.

~Shawn's POV~
"You told her, didn't you?" Julia chuckles, as she nudges my elbow.
"Um, no. I didn't," I tell her.
"Then why does it look like the bridge of your guys' duet over there?" She shoots me a look.
How can she possibly--


Me: everything ok w austin?
Camila: yeah why wouldn't it be?
Me: u guys looked a little intense
Did he decide to tell her himself?! I swear..

~Camila's POV~

Me: no we're fine
Shawn: u sure?
It feels so wrong lying to you, Shawn.
Me: yes im v sure

But if you knew the truth, you'd probably break.

Shawn: what did he do?
Me: he gave me a half eaten box of choco
Shawn: now can i beat him up?

Because you care too much.

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