Isis & Tyler Pt.1

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Isis' POV


Now I know damn well my mother would never knock on my door like that. I closed my laptop and opened my bedroom door.


" What the fuck could you possibly want ?".

He rolled his eyes pushing past me letting himself in like always. " Our moms sent me up here, duh ". I closed my door and sat back down on my bed.

" What are you doing ? ", Tyler asked.

" About to FaceTime Earl ", I said picking up my phone. I hate when he comes over and tries to make small talk like I wanna talk to his ass.

" Oh you fucking another one of my niggas", he said in a matter of fact tone. I just rolled my eyes at him, Tyler thinks just cause I'm friends with all his niggas and most of them have crushes on me, that I'm messing around with them.

I waited for Earl to pick up the phone but he never did. He must be having too much fun on his vacation. I looked over at Tyler to see him digging through a box on my bed.

" Stop going through my things fuckface ", I got up to see what he was staring at. In his hands was a picture of me at 11 years old , lopsided glasses , braces and the ugliest outfit you could imagine. My hair was braided back in cornrows so you could really see how big my head is.

I tried to snatch that shit out his hand but nigga is fast. He shot out the chair running into my bathroom and locking the door. My face started heating up, I'm gonna kill his ass. I started banging hard on the door, " GIVE ME THE PICTURE FAG !". I listened to him hollering, laughing like a bitch,

I banged for 15 more seconds before he finally opened the door hanging me back the picture.

" That is so totally a cute picture ". I squinted my eyes at him , what did he do ?

He started walking towards the door smiling at me. " I remember when you used to look like that Isis ... Then you got all grown and cute ". My head jerked back , cute ? His eyes widened realizing what he just said but he quickly composed himself.

" Bye slut, check Instagram" , and with that he was gone.

Tyler thinks I'm cute ? That's fucking gross .

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