Afraid of the Dark

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Ashley's eyes snapped open to find her boyfriend laying on top of her, squirming around. Her eyes widened and she immediately screamed, "What the hell are you doing!"

Skyler jerked awake startled, taking in his surroundings. "Wha-It's not what it looks like, I-"

"What do you mean it's not what it looks like? It sure looks like it!" Ash said, outraged. She couldn't believe her boyfriend would do this. Especially as it was there first night sleeping together, or forget that the first time Sky had even been to her house. She honestly hadn't thought Sky was the type to do such things. I mean they were freakin' sophomores, not even having turned 16 yet. She definitely had no such thing in mind, all she'd wanted to do was have him come over and spend the night at her house as her mom and dad were going to be out for the night.

Skyler didn't know what to say. He squirmed uncomfortably and looked into her crystal blue eyes dumbly.

Ash got up and snapped, "You stay in here, I'm going to go sleep somewhere else, somewhere without dirty boys. Bye the way, you can leave first thing tomorrow!" She walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind her and snapping the hall way light off, then headed to her parents room. She didn't even think about how dark she'd left the room.

Sky watched Ash leave the room shocked. Dirty! Sky thought. He was not most definitely not into sex yet. Sky sighed, pulling himself back into the bed suddenly realizing how dark it was in here. He fidgeted nervously, trying to strain his eyes to see though the pitch black. It wasn't as if he was scared of the dark, or anything. God, he was way to old for that. But, being scared of something he couldn't see, or well not being able to see at all basically didn't count as being scared of the dark, right?

Sky bit his lip nervously and shifted once more, his current- or I guess you could say what started this- problem came back to his mind. He had to pee. It wasn't like it was an emergency or anything, but still...he had to pee! He'd woken up having to pee, on top of Ash, and if there was anything good out of this it was that Ash hadn't seen him holding himself, or he thought miserably, she had and had interpreted it differently.

Sky rolled over onto his side crossing his legs, trying to refrain from grabbing himself like a child even though no one was in here. You see, it was bad enough asleep, but awake? No way, could not happen. It would break his pride.

Sky was a popular boy. Athletically built with golden bangs that framed his soft, sculpted face perfectly. Then possibly his most attractive feature, the blue green eyes that shone like both emeralds and sapphires. He was also a starter for the school's high school soccer team.

A little while later, despite what he thought, Sky found himself having to give himself a squeeze her and there until finally, he had to grab himself permanently. He fought the tears that tried to come out.

The deal was, he could of easily walked out, but the problem was that as a child Sky had been afraid of the dark. Even now, he still to his embarrassment, kept a night light in his room. Also, the main reason he tried to tell himself, was that he had no clue were the bathroom was having last used it while they were out watching a movie at the theatre, after dinner.

Finally, he carefully got out of bed squeezing his eyes tight shut in nerves to prevent the tears he new would come. He stuffed both hands in his crotch and walked stiffly out of the room, anxiously looking around, shivering with the tickling sensation his back always got when he was in the dark. He couldn't help but whimper. 

Starting to panic when he reached the door, he snapped it open and entered the dark hallway. He started doing a little jig, while tears started to fall he searched frantically for a light switch. His breathing increased as he couldn't find one and his bladder gave a desperate spasm causing him to leak a bit leaving his underwear uncomfortably wet.

Were was it? He sobbed as he felt another leak escape, surely making his pants damp. Finally his hand caught something against the wall and to his utter relief light flooded the hall. Now all he had to do was find the bathroom.

Sky started opening door after door, body shaking at the thought that the next door could possibly mean relief. He was practically having a panic attack, when suddenly he swung open a door and got so shocked he nearly peed himself right then and there.

Ash was on her phone in her parent's bed as she couldn't get back to sleep after the big ordeal, when suddenly the door was flung open. She looked up shocked to see Sky, who had tears streaming down his face and a hand clenching his crotch.

Sky bent over with legs crossed as he felt himself start to leak. He squeezed with all his might, and finally got it to stop. He now though had a noticeable wet spot on the front of his pants. He whimpered.

Suddenly, none of the stuff that happened before mattered to Ash at the moment. She quickly got up and walked briskly over to Sky, "What's wrong?" She asked, even though she had a pretty good idea what was wrong. How could she not?

"N-need t-to p-pee!" Sky managed to get out through sobs.

"Right, okay. This way..." Ash said, carefully leading him to the toilet down the hall.

Sky had to walk slowly so as not to let any out. He'd walked maybe three steps when he felt himself start to leak despite his death grip on his bladder. "W-where is it, I-I n-need to...W-here!" He sobbed out desperately as he felt his control start to slip even more.

"Two doors down to your right." Ash told him, giving him a concerned glance.

The instant he heard that he was dashing to the door, and wrenching it open, all the while peeing. When he finally got into the toilet he hadn't even shut the door. He then tried to undo the knot on his sweat pants that he'd worn to bed. It wasn't actually a knot, just a bow. But in his hurry to undo it he'd turned it into a knot. He tried to just pull his pants down, but the wouldn't, he tried to stop the flow to no use, and even tried yanking the string out of the pants. None of it worked. He finally looked down at himself as he felt his flow start to slow. His pants were drenched with pee, and there was a puddle around his feet.

Ash suddenly popped her head in the door to make sure everything was all right.

"Sky..." she took in the mess, "It's all right. Come on..." When Sky didn't budge she walked over to him, careful to avoid the puddle and carefully started to guide him to her room.

Sky followed her, forcing his feet to move, and in all trying to stop sobbing like a stupid baby. "Mmm... sorry."

Ash looked at him surprised, "For what?"she asked.

"F-for making such a mess and ruining o-our night." Sky mumbled sadly.

"Hey... calm down. It's not your fault." She said comfortingly as she heard his breath hitch. She led him into her room and asked, "Where are your clothes for the morning?" 

"In my bag, over there." Sky said pointing to a spot near her desk.

Ash got him his clothes then, asked, "Do you want to take a shower?"

Sky nodded.

10 minutes later Sky came back clean and dressed.

Ash came over and gave him a hug, then asked, "So what exactly happened?"

Sky sighed. He went over to sit on the bed and Ash followed. "I woke up and really needed to go. I guess I somehow ended up on top of you." he mumbled face turning red. "I promise it wasn't what you thought. I do not want to do that for a long time."

"So why didn't you just get up and go?"

Sky was silent for a moment, then he said, " I didn't know where the bathrooms were."

Ash could tell he was hiding something, she just didn't know what else. "So...Why did you wait so long to look?"

Sky didn't answer right away. "I, well..." his face had turned a deep shade of red, "It was really dark." He whispered out barely audible. Realization passed of Ash's face. "Please don't laugh at me!" Sky begged.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'm sorry I shut that light off, I wasn't thinking." Ash said.

"So, do I really have to leave in the morning?" Sky asked.

"Of course, not. For now though let's just go back to bed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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