The Beginning

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Eternal darkness. 

and only darkness, for this longing time.

was it peaceful or and never ending dread? 

the world was quiet and ever so still.

    But, a light appears, one of a deep red and then seconds after, another. this one shined a light, baby blue. they both shined brightly, but one seems to shine brightly than the other. the deep red, even if its brightness differed from its original color, it still shined brighter than the other. only this happened, and it stayed like this for a time being. 

    a child's voice emerged from the red light, "Hello?" it spoke, the red light started to wander, starting in baby steps, and then it started to glide around their dark home.

    But, the blue light just sat and watched, never made a sound, but shined with curiousity and  watched its braver sibling wander their grounds. 

it soon became repetitive, every day, the red light curiously moved around discovering different ways to move or speak. but one day, they both shifted into their own unique shape. 

the red one became a mess of ridged shapes that formed into a humanoid shape, but they had formed uneven antlers that would've made the mass unbalanced, but it never seemed to. 

the blue light became a clean mass of a one smooth shape that showed a physical stature that showed the anatomy of an aulkie.  an aulkitarius. a royal one.

a square head that had been of technological  reference. antlers that spread out  of the sides of its head. these antlers were symmetrical, opposite of the unusual antlers that the red light had formed. a body of a female. antena pointed out of the top of their  head, they had  large amount of  fur and hair, it had locks of smooth hair and a  mass of fur that covered their chest, but hidden in the fur was a clock that was attached to their semi-mechanical chest, this was the mechanism that helped them change their forms, if ever they die, they would vanish into flowers, and one of the things that would leave their bodies was their clocks. its torsos were also mechanical , but they had legs of some sort of horse or goat. every aulkie tail was different, this one had a long ribbon-like tail that tapered into an balled edge, at the end, there was two feathers on each side, and the end of its tail , was a single eye.  they had over  6 eyes, one of them was their gem, this was strangely an eye as well. the bigger the gem-like eye, the more royal and intelligent they may be. their eyes' pupils and iris' never seemed to form yet, they were just white and ever so simple.  

   once they noticed the change, they both stared at each other, confused but fascinated. 

"sister," the red one asked, "what must this be?" the red mass lumbered over to the blue figure. 

the blue one thought and after all that quiet thought, she spoke, "I don't seem to know, kin, but I am quite fascinated by this." 

they both inspected each other. the red mass was slower, but slightly taller and had a deeper but more expressive voice. while the other seemed very tone-deaf and monotone and had a perfect figure,  but just a tad shorter than her sibling.  they were a few feet away from each other, the red one trudged closer. the blue one noticed that her sibling had a expressionless, cold face that blended with her unstable and clobbered mass, but when they got closer, the red mass became more like her, smoother but still had ridged features that still made her unreadable. 

"You seem different," the blue one added, " you're much more refined.. well, only when close to me." 

"hmm." the red one simply blurted, "I wanted to ask something, sister," 

"yes, kin..?" the blue figure answered. 

"what must a name be, and what are we  named?" the red one questioned. 

the blue one thought, and thought. she looked to her sibling and seemed to blurt out, " a name is something that identifies us and can give some sort of uniqueness, I can be named left, and you right. it reflects our birth, correct? I was born on the left and you on the right." 

Right smiled, "That would be lovely, Left." Right leaned toward Left to have them face to face. both of their eyes still weren't formed. they both smiled at each other.  their antena vibrated in a gesture of happiness, their first emotion. 

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