This is a mess

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Felix: "Hey Binnie!" I yell when I hear the front door open.

Changbin: "What did you do now Felix?" I yell back while setting my stuff down.

Felix: "Well... Just come here!"

Changbin: I sigh before heading upstairs. I look around only to find my boyfriend duct taped to a wall. "Oh..My.. God, Babe how the hell did you get up there?"

Felix: "Vernon and Jungkook came over and ...well They left me here." I explain.

Changbin: "..why the hell are you up there in the first place?"

Felix: " I may have invited them over to watch a movie and I may or may not have fallen asleep. Next thing I know, I'm up here.."

Changbin: "Hold on one moment.." I say before going next door to the Bts household. I barg right in without even knocking and yell, "JUNGKOOK."

Jungkook: I quickly hide behind Tae.

Jimin: I look up at changbin, " What'd he do this time?"

Changbin: " well my boyfriend is kinda duct taped to the wall."

Jimin: I sigh and go back to scrolling through my phone.

NamJoon: " Really Jungkook."

Tae: " Thats my man"

Jin: "Not helping."

Jungkook: " Well Vernon helped me!"

Changbin: I sigh, " Just come help me get the Aussie down. I'll meet ya over there but first I have to go retrieve Vernon." I get a chorus of okays from everyone before I head across the street to the seventeen household. I barg right in again and yell, " VERNON."

Woozi: " Oh no, what happened?"

Changbin: " Well My aussie is currently duct taped to the wall."

Woozi: "...I'm so done...."

Vernon: I slowly appear in the room with seungkwan and say, " I'll, um, Meet you over there..." I slowly head over there with seungkwan.

Woozi: " I'll come too, Come on Hoshi, " I say while getting of his lap.

Changbin : "Okay," I say before we head over to the house. We enter the house, "follow me upstairs and see what those monsters did to my baby." we both head upstairs.

Woozi: I scan the room and Felix is most definitely duct taped to the wall. I also notice that Bts is there too. " Oh, you guys are here too..Why tho."

Vernon: " Jungkook helped..." I mumble quietly to answer his question.

Woozi: "Of course he did.."

Felix: " Hi Binnie" I say when i see him re enter the room with scissors.

Changbin: " Hi baby, now let's get you down. Vernon, Jungkook, help me cut him free. Everyone else stand there," I point to the spot, " and catch him. Drop him and your dead." I say before handing Vernon and Jungkook scissors. Everyone gets into position and we cut him down.

Felix: I slowly get released and fall into everyone's arms. Once I'm on my feet again, I rush into Changbin's arms. " I was waiting there for hours, Binnie."

Changbin: " Hours?" I say while making eye contact with Vernon and Jungkook.

Namjoon: " You Guys should run" Having said that, They book it out the door.

Changbin: I grab the bag of shoes sitting in the corner and quickly chase after them. Don't ask why there's a bag of shoes, there just is.

Jin: "Ooooo I should start keeping a shoe bag so I have something to throw at you guys when your annoying."

Namjoon: " No, No you shouldn't. "

Jimin: I rush to the open door and watch Changbin chase the two. " DON'T KILL THEM!" I yell.

Changbin: " THEY DUCT TAPED MY LIL AUSSIE TO THE WALL SO THEY MUST PAY." As I shout that, I hit vernon in the head with a shoe. I look around and try to look for jungkook only to find him in a tree.

All while Changbin is chasing the two, off to the side is Big bang, Enjoying the fun little scene happening before them.

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