Chapter 27

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(Carmella and AJ returns and the gang is back to normal, BUT An Ex of AJ's comes to town and is very jealous of Him and Carmella👀 and Sasha Questions her relationship with Roman, Seth and Paige Starts to develop their relationship, Alexa and Finn go on crazy fun adventures, Dolph and bayley Enjoying each other very much Drew and Charlotte Try to find out strong their relationship really is,and Brie and Randy starts to get out more, and Dean and Becky starts to have some trouble when they find out that Rob has feelings for Becky!)

(The girls dorm)

Carmella:"Hey girlies!!!


Sasha:"Oh my, you're just growing💕💕💕

Carmella:"Oh I know, my feet are killing me!!


Bayley:"Hey Mella(Hugs her)💕💕💕

Carmella:"Hey bayley 💕💕💕

Paige:" Hey AJ!

Aj:"Hey girls!

Sasha:"How was your trip?

Aj:" Oh it was Very nice,

Roman:"What's up Aj Bro!

Aj:"What's up, umm what are you doing here?

Roman:"Ugh, long story short, our dorm was blown up!


Finn:"Yeah, Fernando sent his guys to kill us right,  but Paige came up with the idea of blowing up our mancave when we could've just kicked their asses!

Paige:"Sorry, guys I was just trying to save us!

Seth:"Don't mind him babe, you did great (kisses her)😘

Paige:"Thank you 🤗

Randy:"Hey AJ man (hugs AJ)

Aj:"Hey, man you alright?

Randy:"Yeah man I'm ok, How are you guys?

Aj:"We're ok,!

Randy:"That's great guys, and the baby?

Carmella:"She's doing fine!💕💕💕

Seth:"Aww, how many months are you?

Carmella:"4 months and 5 days

Bayley:"Whoah, You're 5 months away💕

Dolph:"Have you guys thought of any names?

Aj:"Well not yet!

Carmella:"I want her to have a mixture our names!

Drew:"And how would that work?

Carmella:"I don't know, but I'm extremely tired!

Aj:"Come on let's get you to your room!

Becky:"Aww, I love how he's so protective of her, and so manly for her!

Aj: Thanks🤗

Becky:"(hits Dean's arm) Why can't you be like that???

Dean:"Ow! I am baby!

Seth:"😂😂😂😂 Now we both know that's not true😂

Dean:"Shut up man!

Alexa:"I'm not going to class today!

Finn:'Why not?

Alexa:"I want to have crazy fun Adventures!

Finn:"Like what?!?!

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