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(CLOTHES IN COMMENT) I walked down bridgeway high getting looks from everybody and they momma I walked to my locker and opening it seeing a note I opened it 'go to fat camp bitch' I turned around to see Ciara and he friends laughing my tears formed I just wish Craig was here if only they knew I was his sister the hallways got silent I saw Craig Marshall Deshawn big Jojo and Quincy walking down here with Kiara right there beside them I turned my back hoping they wouldn't see me "hey girly" shit I spun around "Kiara wassup" "hey lil sis" "Hey Craig" he gave me a hug "girl who gave you this loveee letter" she took it and looked at it and passed it to Craig I rushed over to grab it but it was to late he balled it and through it on the floor "LISTEN UP"Everyone turned there heads "ANY BODY GOT A PROBLEM WITH THIS GIRL RIGHT HER BOUT TO GET A BEAT DOWN IF YOU A GIRL YOU BOUT TO GET A BEAT DOWN FRON HER"Pointed to Kiara who looked pissed "GO BACK TO YALL CONVOCATIONS" he turned to me "we gunna talk later,lets go boys later Kiara" "bye Craig and boys" they chuckled she turned to me lets go my momma wanted to talk to you"her mom is Ms.johnson the guidance counselor "WHY" "I don't know child just follow" "ugg finnne" we went done to her moms office we entered there stood a hispanic boy around 5'12 6ft never seen a tall hispanic and boy is cute I turn my eyes to Ms.johnson "hey momma you wanted kia" "yes I did I need you to help Alex" "Alex hunny come here" he stood up and walked near me "He needs help in Math LA Chemisty history drama and Reading" "um I don't think I could do that" "oh you can your mom said ok so you have to sorry hunny but it helps you with you credits and him learning so bell about to ring so go head get your stuff go home with Alex" I turned to Alex "hi im shakia but you can call me kia" he nodded ugg this is going to be a lonng day the bell rung "oh Ms Johnson can Kiara come over" "no sorry hunny bear she has to go to the doctor" "ok bye keke" we did our handshake and left "so where are you from" "LA" "ohh so why you come to Atlanta" "my moms decided to" the rest of the bus ride was silent we finally reached my house "so this is my house" he nodded no one was home Craig had a car but I didn't want to but momma and Craig they had the same car but he's most likely at the mall with his friends but no ones home I unlocked the door I but my bag on the couch "you can put your things there" he followed me into the kitchen I could feel him undressing me with his eyes I turned around to catch him looking down his eyes meet mine "this is the kitchen you hungry thirst" "ya" "ok um what about I make a sandwiches u want fries chips" "fries would be fine" "ok we have water kool aid and milk" "kool aid" I nodded I had to make the kool aid I saw the mix and sugar where on the shelf I used my tipey toes I felt heat againt my body I looked back I saw Alex over towering me I looked up he looked down and smiled at me he handed me the items "thanks" he nodded and sat back down after I was done on my plate I had some carrots and water with my sandwich he got what he asked for "I have a question why do let that stuff get to you what the kids say" "I don't" "yes you ask me what I wanted to drink I told you kool aid you have water you asked me what I wanted my sandwich I said fries you have carrots" " what's wrong with being healthy I mean I need any ways look at me I'm not 10 I'm big and I just need to cut back" I heard something up stairs I see Craig jog down stairs he looks up and slows down I stand up "shakia who dis" "this is Alex Alex this is my brother Craig" "why is he here" "im his tutor" "mhmm the guys are comeing over" "ok we'll just study in my room" "no stay down here where I can watch yall" he walked into the garage "im sorry about my brother" "its ok so mabey it time for us to study" "ya" the door rang it was the boys I opened it "hey kia" they said while stepping in Marshall hugged me and gabbed my ass I steped away it happens all the time when Craig isn't around "baby girl who dis" big Jojo asked we're cousins "oh im his tutor Alex this is Jojo Marshall Quincy and Deshawn guys this is Alex im going to the bathroom be nice"I ran upstairs used it washed my hands and went back downstairs to see the boy crowded around him I pushed them out the way "if yall don't mind we're going up stairs and study lets go Alex" I grabbed his hand and walked him upstairs I opened my lime green and purple roon filled with Chris brown Trey songz and young money posters "I like your room" "thanks so I think we should hardest thing which is drama" he took his book after going through 1/4 I skiped a few there kissing seance I hope he skips it  


"um theres a kissing seance we can skip it and keep going" "no it's fine" I was shocked I walked up to him I lightly kissed him I felt like I died and went to heaven I pulled away "why you stop" I walked back you to him he put his hand on my lower back I thought it was moving fast Ipulled back the door opened I steeped back it was Craig "didn't I tell yall to stay down stairs" "just leave us alone Craig gosh" I sat on my bed "aight but im going play some ball" "mhmm bye" he closed the door "sooo was that for the seance or someyhing else" "I don't know mabey just a liking for nice juicy big lips" he touched my lips with his thumb he pulled my face towards him and kissed me passionately I pulled back and smiled his lips where soft and plump for a boy "um mabey we should go over more things" he nodded in agreement

2 hours later 

"ok and where done" I closed the book and lookec over to find him asleep I slapped the book on his hands "ayee lo que el infierno" "English" "why you do that" "to wake you up where done with everything my moms cooking dinner you should stay" he did a sneky smile "im not convinced yet" the message rang.in my head I leaned over and kisses him he asked for entrance I pulled away "noo im not convinced yet" I grabbed his hand and walked with down stairs "moa this is Alex Gomez Alex this is my momma" "Hi ma'am" "ooo he has manners"they shook hands "so Alex would you like to stay for dinner I made spaghetti" "uh ok thank you" "your welcome kia come helpe set the table" I walked and got the plates again with the tipey toes I felt that same warm body heat I looked over and saw Alex passed them down i smiled up at him ''so you guys finshed your studies yet'' ''no somebody likes to fall asleep durring reading so we have math and then we'll be done'' ''im guessing that alex don't feel embarrsed she'll be talking and i'll be knocked out'' the both start laughing ''ya ya ok''

Tell me what yall thought about this chapter or the whole story i would love feedback thanks _sonja

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