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Friday night (8pm)

It's just like a normal Friday night your sat in the couch watching Netflix cuddling up to your boyfriend Baekhyung who is on his phone

He is never on his phone when he is watching a movie with you but recently he's been distant and not paying attention to you

He's always on his phone ever look away from the screen

And he has a password on it now

In the start of your relationship you and him shared each others passwords and then 1 year into the relationship you both took them off and now your 4 years into your relationship and a password is back on his phone

He didn't tell you he put a password on and he didn't tell you the code for it

It's like he is trying to hide something but you would never ask him because then he would get angry and think you don't trust him and maybe it would end your relationship

Your 5 year anniversary is coming up in 2 weeks and well you guys haven't planned anything he hasn't said a word about it

" Hey baby I have to go and help Kai out I'll be back in like maybe an hour or so " Baekhyung say sitting up and walking to the door

" Okay bye love yo...." You got interrupted by the door slamming

You sighed deeply and cuddled up to a pillow

You then grabbed your phone and rung Kai

" Hello" Kai say

" Hey Kai uh is Baekhyung with you "

" Nope I'm with Jennie I thought he was spending time with you tonight it is Friday "

" Yeah well he left all of a sudden and said he had to help you "

" I didn't text him that I needed help are you sure he's not just getting you a suprise for your 5 year "

" He hasn't said anything about our 5 year your the only person except me that knows it's coming up "

" I am sure he's just gone to get ya something"

" Yeah okay well I'll let ya be see ya "

" Bye bye y/n"

Even though Kai reassured you ...you just had a bad feeling in your stomach like Baekhyung was cheating for doing something behind your back

Even though you didn't want to believe it there couldn't be any other reason he left

Even if it was a suprise for your 5 he would stay in with you and watch movies while cuddling

You just had a really bad feeling

The next morning

Your phone started to ring

You look at who it was


" Hello " you said

" Yo y/n is Baekhyung at yours "

" No he didn't come back last night "

" Oh for fuck sake where is he "

" Maybe you should check find my iPhone you can see him in that "

" Yeah okay I'll look now "


yeah your probably wondering you can look and see if he is cheating but he blocked you from find my iPhone for some reason

You just prayed that the boys won't tell you that he is a girls house

( 2hours later )

You are ready for you day cute outfit make up on point hair is half up half down beach waves

You currently have to leave to go to work Baekhyung has no idea you have a job you got a job at a restaurant because the gift you wanted to get him was expensive and you couldn't afford it when you were just babysitting so you found a job and got it

You are being the bar counter cleaning and serving drinks it's a very boring job but you get 20,000 a year so it's good pay

Since your shift starts at 6 you left at 5:45 since it was only 5/10 minute walk from your house

You could tell it was going to be a busy night since it was Saturday and a lot of couple go on dates on Saturday or just to go for a drink


It was almost the end of your shift it was getting close to 11pm and you finish at 11:30pm so you only had like 40 mins left but of course that's 40 mins had to be the worst 40 mins of your life

1. You cut your hand on a broken glass that's a customer dropped
2. A fight broke out and a guy smashed the other guy into the window and it broke so you had to clean it up

And 3. Baekhyung turned up with flowers and chocolate you and no idea he new you worked here

Until you saw him walk passed you and right to a table with a girl and a kid sat at

You broke inside you didn't know what to do your hole body was frozen

"Y/n hey Y/n back to work " you boss says

You wiped your eyes from the tears that fell and you got back to work like nothing happened

" Hey Y/n can you take table 16 order all the staff have gone home and the boss wants me in the office" co-worker says

" Yeah okay" you look over at table 16 take a beep breathe and walk over there

"Hello I'm y/n and I'll be your waiter to day can I take your order please " you says with a brave face

Baekhyung looks up and stairs you right in the eyes and he's facial expression dropped

" Can we have 2 steaks and salads and then a kids pasta bake " the woman says

" And would the little girl like a toy with her meal" you day with a smile

" Oh mom can I please have a toy " she say with a a bright smile on her face

" Yes you can have a toy " the lady says

" Do you wanna come with me and pick it out " you say reaching your hand out as she takes your hand you walk over to the toy bin

" How many can I have " she asks looking through the toys

" I'll let you pick out 3 is that okay"

" Yeah three toys "

As she picked out her toys your looked back at Baekhyung who had his handing on his temples

The girl then tugged on your dress

" Do you know Baekhyung" the girl said

" No I don't why don't you call him dad "

" Oh he's my uncle he has a girl names y/n and he said she is the most beautiful girl in the world but he won't let me meet her "

" You and your uncle must be close "

" Yeah I'm go to go back nice to meet you " she runs off

" Bye"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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