11. The New Headmaster

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The instant Viridis wrapped his hand around the key, the glass cube, metal slabs, poles, and cloud all vanished, leaving Viridis alone on the platform with the other three candidates. The crowd roared to its feet and fireworks arched across the chamber, detonating in a cacophony of noise and light that illuminated the domed ceiling in a frenzy of colors. The room shuddered as if a giant were outside, pounding on the walls.

Viridis climbed to his feet, wincing at the pain in his knee. Ceriwden stepped foward and congratulated Viridis, shaking his hand and complimenting him on his solution to the puzzle. Bythesea quickly followed suit, wisps of smoke still rising from charred spots on his robe. Feathergill remained frozen in place, his face twitching in fury. He gave Viridis a venomous look, then spun away and stormed down the stairs.

Dawn and Cory charged out of their seats and raced across the floor ahead of the surging crowd. They bounded up the platform two steps at a time. Dawn threw her arms around Viridis in a huge hug that nearly knocked him to the ground. "I knew you could do it," she screamed into his ear.

Cory pounded him on the back. "Congratulations, Viridis. Now that you're headmaster, it's my duty to make your life as difficult as possible."

"I look forward to it," Viridis replied.

The two of them helped Viridis limp down the stairs to where Steed stood waiting, a broad smile spread across his face. "Congratulations, Mister Olwyn," he said as he shook Viridis's hand.

"I told you he was great at tests," Dawn said.

"That you did, Miss Mercher. That you did." He leaned closer to Viridis and lowered his voice. "On behalf of Hogwarts, I wish to thank you for beating Feathergill."

Viridis grinned. "The pleasure was all mine."

Steed nodded. "But we have other matters to attend to. As the new headmaster, your first order of business should be to officially meet the Hogwarts faculty." Steed put his arm around Viridis's shoulders and guided him toward the group of instructors huddled together away from the crowd. They eyed him warily as he approached.

"I present to you your new headmaster," Steed said.

No one responded at first, and then Professor Searles, sporting his usual tweed jacket and bowtie, stepped forward. "Welcome back to Hogwarts, Mr. Olwyn."

"Thanks. It's good to be back."

"I suppose congratulations are in order," Limbeck said, rather stiffly. "I hope you plan on running the school in a more professional manner than your predecessor did. Now if only we could be rid of the rest of the troublemakers around here..." His eyes shifted to Cory.

One by one, the instructors introduced themselves, promising to do whatever they could to make his transition into the job easier. Fulcanelli remained off to one side and said nothing, which was just fine with Viridis. She did nod to him once, although it wasn't clear whether she was congratulating him or saying "I told you so." He looked away quickly.

After the introductions were finished, Viridis spotted Professor Murmann heading toward the exit, a large leather suitcase in hand. Viridis excused himself and rushed over to the former headmaster, catching him just before he reached the door.

"Well done, my boy!" Murmann cried, "Well done! Your solution to the puzzle was inspired. I told you you could win."

"Yes, headmaster, you did. Thanks for submitting my name."

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