The labyrinth

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Hawks groaned as he looked out into the night sky. It was so boring out. He took on a night shift to fill his night up, not grow even more spiritless than his day already was. There hadn't been much criminals out the past few days, which yeah, that's a good thing, criminal activities going down and whatnot, but hey even a hero needed some action pact fun sometimes.

The winged man shifted on his perch overlooking the city. He hoped that going up to the top of an old and slightly busted satellite would give him a good vantage point above the alleyways. It did but he just couldn't find what he wanted. He already spent his first hour of his three hour patrol up there and so far nothing.

Deciding enough was enough, he slowly and cautiously stood, balancing on the balls of his feet, and prepared for take off. He extended his red pinion out to it's full span, proudly displaying his plumage. He hopped down from the edge, taking a nose dive towards the ground, feeling the night air splashing against his face with satisfaction. Oh how he loved that. The gush of wind. The adrenaline. The momentum. The absolute freedom.

He just loved flying all together.

Last minute, he flapped his wings, accelerating them at a slow pace at first, gaining a downdraft of wind as he went a little faster, lifting into the air in the end. Quickening his pace, he leaned forward, gliding but flapping every few moments. Soon enough, he was high up into the navy blue upward ocean. Surrounded by the barely noticeable clouds, the twinkling satellite lights that replaced the no longer visible stars. Such a shame, too. The stars were always so beautiful to him, the modern need of constant light now blocking it all out like white noise. He wouldn't mind all lights disappearing for a night so he could swim around in a sky full of beautiful white dots.

He briefly looked down, surveying the streets as he pushed himself through the air. He squinted at the rooftop ahead of him. The rooftop looked to belong to a department store. There was a figure close to the edge, their trench coat's tail looked to be blowing softly in the light wind below. Taking immediate action and being cautious, he dove down and slowly came to a stop on the roof, carefully making his presence as inconspicuous as possible. He watched the figure just stand there. Doing nothing. This all could be nothing, just a sight seer. But he just couldn't take that as the final answer. He needed to make sure that whatever was happening wasn't anything dangerous or life threatening.

He slowly and quietly approached the figure, hands in pockets, jacket buttoned up with half his face in the collar, wings folded up against his back. When he reached a considerable distance away, six or so feet, he stopped. He titled his head and whistled.

"Beautiful night, eh?" He asked lowly. The figure seemed to jolt slightly. Shit, he has to be more careful. "Enjoying the view?" Slow and casual talk to make them feel invited.

They didn't turn around but they did look down. That didn't seem good.

"So," Hawks stepped up an inch. "Whatcha doin' up here? Catching a breath or...?"

No response. Not even a shuffle of feet.

He inaudibly sighed to himself. "How's about we come down off that ledge, huh? That is prrrretty dangerous, y'know." Another couple inches further.

"Just go away."

Hawks smiled out of relief. Not a response he wanted, but hey, it is a response nonetheless. "And he speaks!" He chuckled. "Alright man, how about getting offa there already? We can talk on solid ground- well roof- and then I can call someone for you, walk you home ma-"

"Oh shut up! I'm just trying to enjoy the damn..... View...." He whipped his head around, trailing off as he saw the hero's face. His scarred face fell then quickly grew into disgust. "For fuck's sake...." He mumbled.

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