SasuNaru~What have I done?-Part1-

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|This contains depression and cutting. If u do not like, do not read. It is about the stress of high school; people and a crush. Let us begin| 

|Sasuke's P.O.V| 
I shoved my hands in my pockets, sighing of relief that school was over. The days dragged on; and I couldn't focus in school anyway so why go? 

"Throw the ball Nissan!" I heard a little kid yell. 

"Huh?" I turned to see a little boy playing with his older brother. I looked down still walking home. MY brother died 3 years ago. He was killed in war; saving our useless country. I walked in my lonely house throwing my bag on the chair and making some coffee while making rice balls for school tomorrow. And tomatoes. >:)

I hated school so much; you have no fucking idea. I sipped my coffee, leaning against the wall while watching the kids play happily with their friends out the window. I was surprised  I didn't get calls from any of my fan girls; wait.. my phone died. -.- I went to sip my coffee when something caught my eye. I looked to see the new kid in my class on the swing by himself sadly. He really didn't even swing; he just rocked back in forth. He had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. I set down my coffee putting on my leather jacket walking to the park across from me and I sat down next to the blonde kid. He wore a red shirt that said in white bold words "KEEP CALM AND EAT RAMEN" with black skinny jeans and Superman converses. 

I wore a black DEAD BY APRIL band shirt with dark grey skinny jeans that had rips in them that had black cloth under the holes. I had millions of bracelets covering up my left wrist and Batman converses. I had my hands shoved into my black leather jacket and I rocked back and forth beside the new kid. "So... You like Superman, eh?" I asked. Knowing me; I wasn't talkative at all. In fact.. I hated about everyone. But something about this kid always caught my eye. He was unique; and always loud. So when he was alone and quiet, it freaked me out.

He turned to me faking a huge smile at me. His smile was beautiful; I've never seen anything like it. Besides my mother's. "Yeah. So you like Batman?" He chuckled. 

I smiled slightly at him. "Forget me. Why are you being quiet?" 

He still wore that fake smile. "Everything's A-Okay." 

I looked down at the moltch. "You don't have to fake smiles with me, kid. I'm 17, I know what it's like."

He stared at me. "Aren't you 'Sasuke Uchiha'?" 

I nodded. "And you are?"

"Naruto Uzumaki." He answered. 

"Hey, want to go to my house? I have Ramen that I need to get rid of anyway." I smirked. 

His face lit up. He got up fast. "Yeah yeah!" 

|Naruto's P.O.V|

We entered Sasuke's freaking mansion. I was already jealous, and I just walked in. His house was neat, and it was pretty dark. I looked at Sasuke who faced the ground. He went into the kitchen and told me to sit wherever. So I sat on the black sofa which had Uchiha Sasuke on the bottom of it. About 20 minutes later Sasuke came back in with my favorite Ramen and Tea. I smiled and gobbled it all down. He chuckled eating a tomato with his Tea parked in front of him. Sasuke stared at me; so I tried to break the silence.  

"So.. Thank you, Sasuke." I smiled. 

He smirked. "Sure. So.. What're your parents like..?" He asked, he seemed to get off trail at 'parents'.

I looked down. "Parents..?" I asked softly. I shook my head. "I... don't have parents..." 

His eyes widened a bit. "Really?" 

"Yeah I know it's weird.. And-" 

"No. Not at all. It's just.. I don't have any either." 

That explains why he always isolates himself.. I thought. 

"I guess there's finally someone out there who can understand how I feel." I smiled. I never really had friends; they always called me names like' annoying' 'stupid' 'ramen freak' things like that. But I really don't consider Sasuke  friend; yet. I honesty think he just  came to talk to me because he had nothing better to do. My phone buzzed. "Oh uh, Kiba wants me. Is it-"

"It's fine. You can go." He interrupted. 

I looked through his black eyes. "You may come with."

He shook his head. "I don't like people." 

And so; I shut out the door.

        I caught up with Kiba who was waiting for me by the pole. He was the only friend I had. Him and Akamaru, of course. But Akamaru was at home sick. So Kiba and I decided to go a movie. 

After the movie; it was midnight. "Man, I'm so glad my mom is out of town." Kiba chuckled. 

I smiled at him. "At least now she can't bitch at you. I see why you're always so grumpy." 

Kiba rolled his eyes. "Blame-" 

"Hey Kiba." A man with a baseball bat said, pushing him back a bit. "Got my money?" He had HUGE muscles,  muscle shirt on and he was 6'4 feet tall. 

Kiba gulped. "Money? Actually my mom just left so when-" 

The man grabbed him. "I want my money NOW!" He yelled. 

"Hey! Leave Kiba alone!" I yelled kicking him. 

The man threw Kiba down and grabbed me. "Oh so you want a punching eh?" 

"What does Kiba owe you money for!?" I yelled. 

"The dog medicine for his little sick runt!" He yelled in my face. 

|Sasuke's P.O.V| |
It was 12:30 and Naruto wasn't at school. I was so worried I just wanted to run and find him. But then he walked in with a tardy slip and he wore foundation. He winced everytime he binked; so I knew something was up. He sat down in his original seat, which was 2 seats away from me. So I threw a waded up paper at his face. He winced then picked it up and read it. 

Dude.. WTF is wrong? And why TF are you wearing make-up? Tell me. 

He read it, and then wrote on the bottom of it. He threw it at me and I caught it. I went to open it up when I heard something, 

"Oh Sasuke-kun.. You're so cool." Sakura blushed.

I rolled my eyes reading the note. 

I'm fine. 

I frowned at dobe and sighed sinking into my seat. 

|Naruto's P.O.V|
I rushed over to Kiba's ASAP. I stopped at the steps breathing hard when his mom answered crying. My eyes widened. "Kiba.." 

His mom hugged me. "He died last night.." She cried. 

I tried to hug back but I was numb. Why Kiba? Out of all people why Kiba!? My hands began to shake as her tears stained my shirt. "My baby is gone.." She cried. 

I clenched my teeth, breathing in too much oxygen and my body shaking. I ran off as fast as I could. I couldn't let his mom see me fall apart. I fell on my knees at the school, I grabbed the rocks and threw them at the slide screaming so loud it echoed. Tears streamed down my face and I grabbed my head tightly pulling my hair and banging my face into the rocks. I screamed and tears stained the grey rocks. I sobbed so much snout came rushing down. I rocked back and forth still on the ground. I heard stomping on the rocks and a slide when I saw Sasuke slide next to me. He slapped his hand on my back and held my arms up trying to look at my face. 

"Naruto! What's wrong!?" He yelled, eyes widened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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