Chapter 1

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Justins POV
"Mom do you love me ?" I questioned as we unpacked boxes in the new living room.
"Of course honey ." She responded with a smile .
"Then why did you force me to live out here." I groaned .
We've only been here for about 2 days , and I hated it . I wanted to go back home , I hated that I had to leave my school , my friends , I left all my sports hockey , soccer , and basketball . We dropped it all .
"Not this again Justin." She sighed . Although I know why we moved out here I don't get why she couldn't just wait til I finished senior year first . I had just started school a month before and I was pulled out .
She wanted to leave Canada for shitty small town in Pennsylvania.
We left merely because she found out my dad had been cheating on her with some other woman and they have two kids together . She just wanted a fresh start was what she told me . And I do understand . I would want one too but she could've just waited .
"I just don't get why you didn't wait til I finished school . " I huffed .
"Trust me I didn't want to do that but I wanted to leave as soon as possible , and I can't apologize enough for that . " that made me feel bad .
I stayed quiet for a moment continuing to unpack .
"I'm sorry mom ," I was acting like a child . "I just I miss everything back home . "
"I know you do sweetie , but this is our home now . " she came up next to me squeezing me in a side hug .
We continued to unpack when It got around dinner time . I was chilling on the front porch when a woman approached on our door step .
"Can I help you ? " I spoke sort of rudely .
"Uh - um , i'm your neighbor I just wanted to welcome you to the town . " she stuttered , I guess I scared her a little .
"Oh . " I replied not knowing what to say .
"I'm Katie , " she shook my hand she seemed to be in her mid 20s and was actually kinda hot ,"I have a niece that seems to be your age . Her name is Skyler . "
I nodded I really didn't care I wasn't looking for a girlfriend considering my last one cheated on me .
"Well it was nice to meet you Justin welcome to the neighborhood . " she smiled and walked away .
I didn't mean too but I watched her as she entered the house across from mine and when she did I noticed a figure at the second floor window. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl but it was defiantly a person.
Mom and I had dinner I showered and got ready for bed . Before I did I checked my phone I had one text from Ryan .
Ryan : Wassup bro ?! How's Pennsylvania treatin ya? Hope everything's good we miss you bud .
That really made me happy that they still cared .
Justin: I hate it dude I miss you all hopefully you guys can visit next summer
I turned off my phone and read "It " by Stephen King for the millionth time .
Nobody knows that I read , I knew too well that they'd make fun of me for it .

Waking up the next day dreading that I had to go to school the next day. I went to the same distract since I was in Pre-K I didn't like the idea of starting a new school .
Again we spent the whole day unpacking we finally had the whole downstairs unpacked . Guest room , dining room , kitchen , and living room . I don't understand why we had 4 bedrooms when it was only the two of us . But mom said she would turn the upstairs extra room into a "Man Cave " for me .
When it was 2 pm I decided to go to the Library I didn't know anyone so no one would judge me .
"I'll be back before dinner , love you mom ." I said kissing her head and heading out the door .
"Love you too babe , be safe!"
I started the car and put in google maps where I was supposed to go .
When I got there I had to get a library card really quick . I searched through a lot of the sections and I ran smack into someone .
"Fuck . " I whispered .
"Watch where you're going !" The girl spoke . I looked up to see what she looked like , she had long brunette hair and green eyes .
"Sorry ." I said .
"Oh shit you're the new guy aren't you ? " she said .
"Uh yeah I guess . "
"I'm Sofie ." She stuck out her hand .
"Justin." I didn't shake her hand .
"Are you going to Beytona High ? "
I nodded .
"Good you're kinda the talk of the whole town ."
"How ?" I questioned
"It's a small town. Word gets around. Want some advice ?"
"Sure ." I said slowly .
"Don't hang around the Ministers . " she whispered the word ministers lower than usual .
"The ministers ?" I furrowed my eyebrows .
"Sshhh! Yes , the Ministers they're a gang , Street Ministry . " She started to walk off but gestured me to follow her so I did .
We made it too a small table in a secretive corner .
"Who are they ? " I asked when we sat down.
"They're this gang in our town . They go into Phile and tag and protest and stuff . "
"That's it ?" I huffed .
"No , they also steal , do street races , drink and smoke and party 24/7 ."
That didn't quite make them a gang but this is a small town.
"Who's in it ? " I wondered .
"Like 5 guys and 3 girls . No one outside of there gang talks to them . "
"What are their names ?" I asked .
"They're too difficult to remember but you'll know them when you see them , they're hardly ever alone . Always together and they all have these bracelets , the bracelets are black with the letters "SM" on them . If you see that you know they're apart of the gang."
It all seemed crazy , this little town has a Highschool gang?
"Wait they're all in school still?"
"Well just one her name is Skyler Evans ."
Thats the girl my neighbor was talking about , I wondered if she knew her niece was in a gang . I may be wrong though .
She checked her phone , and got up . " It's getting late I have to go but you've been warned they might try and get you in the gang -"I cut her off .
"Why me ?"
"You're new . You're like bait to them ."
"You seem to know a lot about them . "
"Yes I do . My -" she didn't finish ," I really have to go I'll see you around justin !"
She was gone .
That's crazy . That this little town has a gang?
I checked out two books randomly not even caring what they were about .
I got in my car and headed home mom had made Spaghetti , my favorite .
Dinner was quiet but when we were done I did dishes for her and we said goodnight .
I really didn't want to go to school tomorrow but I had too. I finished the dishes , took a shower and climbed into bed . It was only 11 and I couldn't sleep at all . I finally went to sleep and dreaded the next day .

I really hoped you guys like the new story I don't really have. Character for Skyler yet but I do have Kate , and Sofie .
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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