fran's recipes!!

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ok everyone!! to calm myself down and to establish a new coping mechanism, i'm gonna make like a white pinterest mom and post a few of my healthy (and delicious snack ideas) here :)

without further ado, i present,,

this is a healthy, good-for-you version :) take notes moms and shisters!
slices of white bread (one slice will wield four cookies, thus making two oreo sandwiches out of one slice)
black food dye
entire tube of specifically colgate toothpaste
round cookie cutters

• take your slices (depending on how many you use) and dunk em in water. completely drench those motherfuckers
• let them dry. if u have a microwave, dry em in there, stick those bitches in and set the heat up high. u can also use a pan to toast em. if the bread gets burnt, even better
• dip the crusty bread circles in black food dye or whatever u have
• let the color soak in before squeezing a generous amount of toothpaste on one of the circles
• put the other bread circle on the toothpaste bread
• thats it. eat it coward

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