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St.Joseph School...The students and the teachers shared a beautiful rapport there.If anyone asks who the favourite teacher of students is anyone will blindly say "Priya.The students loved Priya as Priya treated her students as her family members.Though Priya never showed partiality towards her students they were a few students who were really close to her because of their affectionate and helping nature.They were Samar,Mandeep,Rahul,Khush,Pihu ,Suhani and Kadambari.
Samar,MANDEEP,Rahul ,Khush ,Pihu ,Suhani and Kadambari were sitting together and chatting.
MANDEEP:Valentine's day is coming up.We should definitely rock.
MANDEEP:Sammy...who was your first love?
Suddenly Suhani's face came into his mind.He thought:My God!Suhani...?
Samar:Yet to experience love.Suhani became dull.She thought:Why can't he admit that he loves me?Khush:Even if you don't say we all know your huge crush on Suhani.Samar and Suhani became shy and embarrassed.
Samar:What about you Mandeep?
MANDEEP looked at Pihu.Mandeep:I don't know if she loves me or not.So what is the use of revealing her name?
Everybody started laughing:One sided love!Poor Mandeep!Pihu realized that Mandeep was talking about her and became dull.MANDEEP smiled emotionally.
MANDEEP:Rahul...your first love?
Rahul smiled thinking of Kadambari.He thought:I can't reveal it now.They will tease me.
MANDEEP:We know that a book worm like you would fall in love only with another book worm.Kadambari.Who else?Everyone laughed while Rahul and Kadambari smiled at each other romantically.
Mandeep:Khush...your first love?
Khush's face became dull.
Khush was not interested to discuss about it.
Samar:Khush is thinking more about Naina.He cares for Naina.In fact he only thinks of Naina's happiness and health.He even wrote assignment for Naina to save her from punishment.Naina is Khush's first love. Khush looked at Samar unbelievingly.Khush:What are you saying Samar?Khush was silent.Naina:Khush,why don't you agree that you love me.Khush blushed:Naina...I...Naina said in a cool manner:Anyways I love you.Khush was stunned with how easily Naina confessed her love.Everyone giggled.Khush:If confessing love is easy for me too...Naina:No need of confessing as I know that you love me.Khush smiled:Thank you Naina for understanding me.Naina:I have to understand you as I love you.He smiled.She rested her head on his shoulder.Priya appeared there:Hi guys...what discussion is going on?
Samar:We were thinking of how to celebrate Valentine's day.
PRIYA:Oh!Just in school.Still thinking of Valentine's day?Naughty guys. They all became shy.
MANDEEP:Ma'am,who was your first love?
Priya's face became dull.
MANDEEP:Sorry Ma'am if I have hurt you.
PRIYA:It's ok.I don't believe in love.
Samar:Why Ma'am?
PRIYA:Because...the person I loved wanted only my money,not my love.She was very upset.They became upset.Rahul:Sorry Ma'am.But how can someone not see your heart and love Ma'am?You are so nice.Priya:It's my fate.Samar:Very soon you will meet someone who loves you from the bottom of his heart.Priya walked off without responding.
Priya's class was going on...
Suddenly The principal Shipra came with a man.Priya was shocked to see him.Sushma:Priyaji..this is our new Chemistry teacher..Mr.Ram Kapoor.

Ram smiled at her:Hello Miss Priya.Priya sweated:Hello.

Shipra looked at the students:Meet Mr.Ram Kapoor.He is your new Chemistry Sir.
Ram smiled:Hi children.Good Morning.
The students wished him:Good morning Sir.The girls were thrilled to see him.
Suhani:He is so handsome.
Kadambari:So cute.
Pihu:So handsome.
Naina:So manly.Priya became insecure with girls drooling over Ram.Priya was becoming uncomfortable and suffocated seeing Ram near her..Samar noticed it.
Ram became friendly with the students very fast.
Suhani:Ram Sir is so nice.
Samar:Yes.But whenever Priya Ma'am sees him she just turns off her face.I noticed it in their first meeting itself.
Khush:What if he was the person about him Ma'am told us?

Samar:Ya...could be possible.Suhani:What are you guys saying?Mandeep:Are you saying that Ram Sir is Priya Ma'am's ex?Khush:Not sure.But seeing how Priya Ma'am treats him I doubt...Rahul:But Priya Ma'am's ex was heartless.But Ram Sir is so nice.Samar:That's what confuses me.
Suddenly they heard a noise and looked out of the room.
Ram talked to Priya:Please listen to me.
Priya shouted at Ram:Don't follow me.I know that you joined this school to irritate me.But if you do that I will tell everything to others.They shared an emotional eye lock.

She walked away.
Ram was upset.The students were shocked.Samar:Our doubt was right.Ram Sir is Priya Ma'am's Ex-boy friend.Suhani:I can't believe it.Ram Sir is nice.I think it's misunderstanding which caused their breakup.Samar:I also think that it's a misunderstanding.Khush:Then we have to find out the truth.
Suddenly Ram saw the students when he turned back and got embarrassed.He thought:Did they hear my conversation with Priya?
Samar:Don't feel bad Sir.
Suhani:We will be faithful and loyal to you.You can share anything with us though we are students. Rahul:You can trust us.MANDEEP:Tell us what the problem is. Khush:We will find a solution.Ram was silent.Pihu:Do you love Priya Ma'am?Ram was stunned by the question.
Kadambari:From the way you look at Priya Ma'am we felt so.
Ram:You guys are right.I love her.I will always love her.

They were surprised. Pihu:You both make a beautiful couple.Ram smiled.Samar:Then what happened between both of you Sir?Suhani:How did you both split up?
Ram:My father asked for dowry at the time of marriage proposal.Priya thought I was also involved in it.So she hated me.So she broke up with me.I tried to make her understand the truth.But she did not believe me.
Flash back...
Priya blasted at Ram tearfully:Ram...I never expected you to betray me.I loved you sincerely.But you never loved me.You just care about money.
Ram:How could you even think that I don't love you Priya?I love you a lot.It was done by my dad.Trust me.I did'nt know that he would do it.Priya:How much will you lie Ram?I know that your dad did it with your knowledge.Don't pretend to be innocent.Ram:Priya..please listen to me.You are misunderstanding me.Priya:No,I understand you very well now.So I hate you.It's all over.
Ram was shocked:No Priya...you can't end our beautiful relationship like this.
Priya:Our relationship's beauty was spoiled by you only Ram.You turned our love into hatred.Get lost from my life.Ram:Priya...no...Priya walked off though Ram kept calling her.

Present...Ram:Now my dad is a changed man.I want Priya back.So I searched for her and finally I found out that she is working here.So I tried for a job here.Luckily I got a job here.But she is not even willing to talk to me.Rahul:You have to clear the misunderstandings Sir.Ram:Yes.That's why I am here without accepting defeat.But Priya hates me so much that she is not even looking at me.Samar:We will help you.On Valentine' day you should open your heart to her. Ram was relieved:Really?Samar:Yes Sir.Ram:But how can you all help me?Mandeep: Please don't underestimate our power though we are just students.Ram smiled.
Because of students' special request they were allowed to wear colour dress onValentine's day.
Priya appreciated the students for decorating the school beautifully.Samar:Ram sir is also sweet.He just needs the love of a sweet lady like you.
Priya was shocked:Samar!
Suhani:We came to know that Ram Sir was your ex-boy friend.
Samar:But you still love him.
PRIYA:Samar!You are talking to your teacher.Just because i am free with you all don't try to take advantage of it.
Rahul:We are sorry Ma'am.
Pihu:Today is lovers' day.So we wanted to clear the misunderstandings and reunite you and Ram Sir.
Priya was shocked:Reuniting us?Just because Shipra Ma'am is too sweet she allowed you all to celebrate Valentine's day even though it's only a school.But that does'nt mean you all can do anything.
Khush:Ma'am...you might regret avoiding Ram Sir.He is that nice.
PRIYA:What do you know about him?Do you know how much insult we had to undergo because of him?
Samar:It was not his fault.It was his dad's mistake.Yesterday Ram Sir and his dad apologized to your father.He is happy about you getting married to Ram Sir.Because he knows that you still love him even though you try hard to hate him.Ram sir asked him to hide it from you as he wanted to talk to you before they get into the marriage procedures.That's why you were not informed about it.
Priya was shocked.Immediately she rang up her dad.
PRIYA:Papa,did Ram and his dad apologize to you?
Her dad was quiet.
PRIYA:Why are you quiet dad?
Dad:Yes Priya.
They regret hurting us.Ram is a nice boy.You will not get a better guy.Please forgive them and accept Ram.Otherwise he will be depressed.He loves you that much.And every person deserves a second chance beta especially when they regret their deeds.But here even though Ram is innocent he had to suffer because of your misunderstandings about him.Still he apologized for not his fault just for your love.He is craving for you beta.This is love...true love.Priya's eyes became wet.
Samar:Please give one more chance to Ram Sir.Suhani:Yes Ma'am.This is Valentine's day.Please make it more colourful and romantic.Ram came slowly.He was very emotional.
Ram:I am sorry...Please forgive me Priya...
Slowly Priya smiled with tears in her eyes.Ram was relieved.Ram went towards her and held her arms.They were lost in each other.
The students cheered up for them.Ram and Priya were embarrassed.
MANDEEP:This s a school.You both are teachers.Please don't romance in front of the students.We are not adults.
Everybody laughed.They became shy.
Ram held her closer and Priya too held him tight not willing to leave him.
PRIYA:Thank you so much for uniting us.
Ram:Even though we are teachers we need to thank our students for giving us a chance to open our heart to each other.The students smiled.Samar and Suhani smiled at each other.Samar:I love you Suhani.Suhani was surprised.Suhani:I love you too Sammy.They held each others hands romantically and shared a sweet eye lock.Pihu went near Mandeep.Pihu:Mandeep...don't get enbarrassed when others tease you saying that yours is one sided love.Because the girl you love loves you too.I love you Mandeep.Mandeep could not believe his ears:What?Pihu pulled his ears:You heard it right Mandeep.They smiled sweetly at each other.Rahul-Kadambari,Khush-Naina too had romantic moments.

Priya was walking in the corridor.Somebody caught her saree pallu.She turned back with a shock.It was Ram.She was surprised and smiled.Priya:Leave my saree.She pulled her pallu back.He smiled and went near her.Priya:Badtaameez.Are you not ashamed?You are a teacher and in school you are doing this?Ram:Oh come on Priya.Now I am your lover too.So some kind of mischief is permitted.Right?She blushed.Priya:No way Ram.This is a school.So be in your limits.Ram:Ok.But without crossing my limits I can romance you.Right?Priya blushed:Ram...you are behaving like a young boy whose love story just started.Ram:I am still young at heart and my love too is young whenever I see you.And this is the new start of our love story.Right?Then how can I be not extra romantic?Priya became shy:You are too much Ram.Ram giggled.
He went towards her ears holding her hand and whispered:You took very gorgeous now.She could not stop blushing.

They all went to Goa for excursion from the school.All the students were enjoying on the beach.Priya was enjoying a lot on the beach.
Ram went near her.Ram:Still your craze for beach has'nt gone.
Priya smiled:Ya..you are right.I just love to be on beach.Ram:Do you remember the golden moments we spent on beach during our younger days?She blushed.
Flash back...
Priya was in her beach attire enjoying on the beach.

Ram looked at her with a naughty smile.

Ram poured water on her romantically and she got lost in that.They both swam in the sea together...They splashed water at each other.They shared passionate moments in the sea water.
Ram looked at Priya romantically.Ram:I feel like reliving those passionate moments.Priya blushed.Priya:Stay away from me you naughty boy.Here we are teachers and behave maturely,not like crazy romantic teenagers.Ram:Ok.Since we are teachers here I will behave maturely.But during our honeymoon time don't tell me to stay in my limits.I won't listen to you.She blushed.
All of them went shopping.Ram chose a beautiful dress for Priya.Ram:These days you are always wearing sarees.I want to see you in modern dress too like before.She blushed:Our students will see it.Ram:No one will see it.Quick.Priya:Ok.Priya wore it in the dressing room and came out.
Ram was mesmerized by her beauty.Ram:You look so cute Priya.She was blushing.He went towards her to capture her lips.Suddenly the textile shop owner said:This cannot happen here.The embarrassed Priya and Ram moved away from each other.The shop owner:These college students have no control.In public places too they are getting intimate shamelessly.Ram and Priya were embarrassed.Ram:They think that we are college students.How funny!
They both giggled.Priya:It's all because of you.Let me change into saree and come.Ram:Oh no..again back to saree.During our honeymoon I won't let you wear saree at all.She smiled.
The students tried wearing different dresses and took selfies.The school year came to an end.All students had a farewell function.Ram:There is a happy news.Your dear Priya Ma'am and I are getting married during the vacation.
Priya was blushing.Everyone clapped hands.Ram:We invite all of you for our wedding functions.Priya:We will be waiting for all of you.
The students:Sure.We will not miss it.We will rock it.We are waiting for your wedding.Ram and Priya blushed.
All the students went for Priya and Ram's engagement function.Priya and Ram exchanged rings.Everyone clapped their hands.
All the students went for the Mehendi function.
Surprisingly they saw Ram applying mehendi on Priya's hand.Ram:Don't stare at us.Only I have the right to write my name on my Priya's palm.Priya blushed:Ram...

All the students smiled.
All of them including the students danced.
Priya and Ram danced romantically.
Mann yeh sahib ji
Jane hai sab ji
Phir bhi banaye bahane
Suhani nawabi ji
Dekhe hai sab ji
Phir bhi na samjhe ishare
Mann yeh sahib ji
Haan karta bahane
Suhani nawabi ji

Na samjhe ishare
Samjhe ishare
Dheere dheere
Naino ko dheere dheere
Jiya ko dheere dheere
Bhayo re saibo
Dheere dheere
Naino ko dheere dheere
Apna sa dheere dheere
Lage re saibo

Surkhiyan hai hawaon mein
Do dilon ke milne ki
Ha haan arziya hai nazaron mein
Lamha yeh tham jane ki
O kaise hazuri ji
Yeh lab dikhaye
Chupi laga ke bhi
Gazab hai yeh dhaaye
Dheere dheere
Naino ko dheere dheere
Jiya ko dheere dheere
Bhayo re saibo
Dheere dheere

Begana dheere dheere
Apna sa dheere dheere
Lage re saibo
Saibo, saibo...
Dheere Aa...
Dheere, dheere
The students:So romantic they are.
Some jodies are magical and made in heaven.They are one of those couples.The students attended the Haldi function too.

Finally Ram and Priya got married.
At night...Ram gave a modern dress to Priya.Priya:What is this?Ram:I told you that after marriage I won't allow you to wear sarees.I want you to wear hot sizzling clothes before me.Priya became shy:Ram!Ram:Now don't refuse it.She smiled taking the dress from him.Priya wore the dress and came before Ram.
Ram was lost in her:You look so beautiful Priya.I can't take my eyes off you.She blushed.Priya:Ram...Ram kept his finger on her lips:Now no talking.We have talked enough.Now only actions.Priya:Actions?Means?Ram:Though you are a teacher you don't know anything.No problem.Like a student you will have to learn a lot Priya.I will teach you as a teacher.Actions means...Suddenly he claimed her lips with his with burning passion.
Priya too started responding with equal passion.Ram looked at her:Now did you understand what actions mean?Priya nodded blushing.Ram:Actions are not over yet.They have just started.I need to teach you more.He pulled her closer passionately and switched off the light.The room got filled up with their passionate romantic moments.

Raat Ka Nasha Abhi
Aankh Se Gaya Nahin...
Tera Nashila Badan
Baahon Ne Chhoda Nahin
Aankhen To Kholi Magar
Sapna Woh Toda Nahin
Haan Wohi Woh Wohi
Saason Pe Rakha Hua Tere Hoton Ka
Sapna Abhi Hai Wahi
Raat Ka Nasha Abhi

Aankh Se Gaya Nahin...

Tere Bina Bhi Kabhi
Tujhse Machal Leti Hoon
Karvat Badalti Hoon To

Sapna Badal Leti Hoon
Tera Khayal Aaye To
Balkhake Pal Jaata Hai

Paani Ke Chaadar Tale
Dum Mera Jal Jaata Hai
Haan Wohi Woh Wohi
Saason Pe Rakha Hua Tere Hoton Ka
Sapna Abhi Hai Wahi
Raat Ka Nasha Abhi
Aankh Se Gaya Nahin...Tere Gale Milne Ke
Mausam Bade...(Ashoka).

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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