Anima Ignis

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His hands grasped the edge of the blade. With fear in his eyes he stared down the beast, blood dripping down his hand as he chanted. He would not be defeated, not in this timeline. He was tired of being pegged as the weak link, for he knew he was stronger than people thought he was. The power coursed through his veins as his chanting became stronger, his blood seemed to boil as it hit the forest floor. "Do you really think a little blood spell will stop me?" The Beast questioned. His voice like knives, echoing inside Quentin's brain. He was not going to let him get in his head, he was in control. Little did The Beast know, but he had devised a plan that would put an end to his reign.

His skin tingled with uncertainty as he neared the end of his chant. Something felt wrong, the air didn't sit well around him, like he was out of place. The wind shifted and he watched as The Beast took a new form, that of darkness. He had never felt fear like this before, this was different...Primal almost. It was like his body knew he was no match for him, or it. He would not give up, he swore he would avenge Alice, and if dying was how he had to do it, he would make that sacrifice. With one final breath he chanted the last words.
"Anima ignis!" His voice shouted into the void that stared back at him. With such beauty his whole being erupted into a bright explosion of fire. He felt no pain, but he was aware of the heat that consumed him. Just like moths to a flame The Beast barreled towards him.

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