Time Flies

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There are no windows in this entire building, so I'm not sure how long its been since I was first kidnapped. My sense of time has just vanished, mainly because I can't sleep. I can't stop worrying about Andy, where he is and who he's with. Other than myself not being able to sleep, our living conditions have improved. We're fed three times a day and we're no longer confined in ropes all day. Instead, we're allowed to roam this building as we please. 

Brendon isn't allowed to roam with the rest of us, instead he is confined in a small locked bedroom alone and is only allowed to come out at dinnertime. The other girls are becoming healthier and stronger with time, everyone except Melanie and Hayley. Melanie eventually figured out exactly what Hannavas was and couldn't live with herself. We found her body in the only restroom in the entire building, with her wrists slit by broken glass. Nobody knows what happened to Hayley, one day she just disappeared. We like to think she escaped safely, but by this point almost everyone has attempted and failed.

As for James, he hasn't been around everyone at the same time since the first dinner. No more of his games have been played and nobody has been killed unless Hayley's disappearance is counted. However James has been around, occasionally he'll pull one of us aside like he did with Gabby on the day of the first dinner. Melanie came next, followed by Dodie, then Ashley, and finally Hayley right before she went missing. I have yet to be pulled away, but I fear my day is coming soon. The four of us left have become close friends, however when I ask any of them what happens in that room, they just freeze and shake their heads. I occasionally keep Brendon company by sitting outside his door while I talk to him about the better days, before our worlds were ruined. He keeps me from going crazy. James's 12-year-old guards usually catch me talking to him and beat me with a bat to keep me from doing it again. Recently however, they have let me slide because they've noticed the lack of sleep I've been getting, except for when I'm laying on the cold concrete floor in front of his door. 

I don't think we're getting out of here.

You've got to keep hope Brendon, its all we have.

Even if we do what am I supposed to do? My wife and the world think I'm a psychopathic rapist. Where would I go if we ever got out?

You could live away from the fame in a small town, the life wouldn't be as exciting but it would definitely be better than dying here at the hands of your insane twin.

How about you? Everyone thinks you're dead, what are you going to do? 

I don't know, all I have is my son and ever since his father walked out on us he's struggled with mental health problems. I'm terrified as to what he'll do now that he thinks I'm dead.

I'm so sorry, I have no idea what to say.

It's fine.



Thank you for staying with me, especially after what has happened to you the last three times you've tried.

Don't thank me, I know how scared I am, but at least I have Gabby, Ashley and Dodie to keep me company. I cant imagine how hard it would be for you to face this alone, so I won't allow you to.

Still these other girls are scared shitless just to talk to me, yet you endured three beatings for me, why?

Because you don't deserve this, you're a great person and I've learned that for myself over this time, I just want to be someone you can talk to so you don't have to be alone until we get out of here, which I know we will.

For dinner today, we had pizza, which was a change from the extravagant meals James's slaves would fix us. I actually attempted to speak to a slave before, just to understand why he's doing this, especially at such a young age. The only response I received was, "I owe him my life, he saved me from the horrors that is the world today. He saved me from my whore of a mother that did nothing but contain my true abilities, and James set them free." I couldn't believe my ears once I had heard it, someone so young talking about their mother so poorly. It was very obvious that this poor child had been brainwashed. I've attempted to keep count of the number of slaves I've seen, however I constantly see new faces. So far I've gotten to 22. 

"Good evening, darlings." I shivered at the voice, it was James. "I won't be here long, I just need to borrow June." My heart sank in my chest, I couldn't believe it. Brendon's eyes locked with mine in panic and his eyes jerked to James immediately. 

"Don't you put your fucking hands on her!" he yelled as he threw a glass at James, that he caught in midair, causing the other girls to gasp and for me to let out the first tear I've allowed to escape since before the first dinner. He stood up from the table and threw a punch at James, which he dodged with ease. James looks at Brendon in disbelief, "Shame I can't kill you, looks like you have eyes for my favorite, which simply will not do. Maybe I can guilt you out of pulling anything like this again." He headbutts Brendon causing him to fall with a bloody nose and witness as James pulls out a pistol and shoves the end in my temple and cocks it. Tears flow down Brendon's face and my own. James pulls the trigger.

Nothing in the chamber.

"Maybe this is a sign." He says and points the gun at Gabby and pulls the trigger, this time it fires, killing her. 

James then jerked me into the dreaded back room and shut and locked the door from the inside.

I never needed Brendon more than I needed him now.

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