Chapter 2

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I wake up to my alarm, signaling that it's time to get up and go to school. I reluctantly drag myself out of bed groaning. I can feel a slight sting from my upper arm triggering the memories of last night. I looked down at my bandaged wound, hissing at the pain as it sprouts through my limb.

I drag myself into my bathroom, grabbing my hairbrush and running it through my hair, pulling out all my knots. My eyes and cheeks still slightly pink and puffy, but it's not too noticeable. Nobody cares, they won't notice anyway. I brush my teeth quickly and walk over to my wardrobe. Today I've decided to wear something that, once again, won't stand out but won't get me picked on too much. I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt, on top of that, I pull my favourite blue hoodie over my head.

Just as I'm about to leave my room, I quickly turn towards my mirror, making my mind up. "You look ugly, as always." My voice is hoarse from all the crying last night. I turn and walk out my door.

As I'm going down the stairs I can hear my mum in the kitchen. I go up to her, giving her a back hug. "Morning Mum," I say groggily, "I'm just going to have a slice of toast for breakfast and buy something for lunch, mkay?"

My mum turns around to look at me, "Okay dear," I notice her inspecting my face, slightly squinting her eyes, "Hun, were you crying again?"

"No!" I say a little too quickly. "I'm starving!" I grab the slice of toast and stuff it in my mouth hastily. If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to avoid my mum's question. I told her I stopped crying a while ago, so far I've been able to hide the fact that I never actually stopped, that is, until now.

"Mmm, you told me you stopped hun," she says as she places a hand on my shoulder, "I don't want you to come home and cry again."

"I'm not, don't worry mum. When I told you I stopped, I did. I haven't started again." I gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded and smiled back, mouthing an okay. "I should go now mum, see you later!"

I jog towards the front door, pulling my black timberlands on. I grab my bag and make my way out the door. As I'm reaching for the door handle to close it, my mum comes around the corner, "Have a good day hun. I love you!" She smiles and waves goodbye.

"I love you too mum! Bye!" I swiftly shut the door and make my way down the driveway. I don't have a car, so I have to take the bus to and from school every day. It sucks.

I get on the bus and who would have known? It still stinks like old chewed up gum and sweaty bodies. The stench creeps up into my nostrils making my nose crinkle in disgust. I look at the bus driver, "Morning Barry, how's the day going so far?" I ask. Barry's an overweight guy who drives this catastrophe of a bus, he normally smells too but he's kind and one of the few people who isn't mean when they first lay eyes on me.

"Good morning Lola! Just the usual, except the kids, are extra loud today. I feel like I'm going insane!" He chuckles. "Go take a seat, we're just about to leave."

I nod and go sit in my usual seat. All around me are screaming kids, pushing each other around. I decide to ignore them by putting my earphones in and looking out the window. Everything begins to move, quickly the surroundings become a blur of green, blue and grey.

The bus ride is over too quick. I hop off and trudge my way over to the monstrosity you call a school. "Welcome to Maple School of Bristol" the large sign above the gate reads. I internally roll my eyes. More like hell you mean. As I enter the school, I see the huge sea of bodies before me, oh god, I think.

I push my way past just trying to get to my locker safely. Once my locker comes into sight, the all mighty five are standing by it, waiting for me. Great. Just great. I was an idiot to think that this morning would go without havoc.

I open my locker and immediately Safy goes on about how horrible her weekend was. I reply with my usual, 'oh no's and 'that sucks' but honestly, I couldn't care less.

After I'm finished at my locker, I begin to make my way to class, leaving the five behind. Just as I'm about to get away, someone grabs my arm and spins me around.

I am face to face with grey-blue eyes glaring at me. Safy. Her short blonde hair drapes over her shoulders and rectangular glasses are carefully placed on the bridge of her nose. Her makeup is, as always, shimmery eyeshadow, today it is silver, and mascara, with a dash of blush on cheeks and contour under her cheekbones. She has a beaming highlight on the top of her cheekbones and the tip of her nose, along with deep red lipstick.

"How dare you walk away from me!" She spits her fiery words in my face. "You remember what happened last time you did that."

"I'm sorry Safy, I have to get to class." I step away from her. "I'll see you at lunch!" I quickly turn and run to my class. I feel my eyes sting with tears. I won't let myself cry. Just bottle it up and everything will be fine.


It was now lunch and I was sitting at a table with the typical five. Safy is having a long conversation with Zara, who's medium length brown hair is curled, and she didn't like a lot of makeup so she has some concealer, natural eyeshadow and mascara on. She's quite short, the same height as Safy, yet they're both taller than me. Zara and Safy are the closest in the group and also the meanest.

Then there's Aria, her long brown hair is neatly tied back in a Dutch braid, her highlights that are streaked through her hair look magical tied this way. Aria always complains how she can't wear makeup because she's allergic to it, except for mascara. So every day, she just wears that, but her natural beauty makes up for her allergy. When she smiles, she shows off her braces, which amplify her beauty. She's average height, taller than Safy, Zara and I.

Second to last, there's Ellie. Ellie has short dirty blonde hair with natural curls. Today she has it tied back in a ponytail. She doesn't wear makeup because of her natural beauty. The only thing she doesn't like about herself is her large straight nose. Ellie's tall and skinny, taller than everyone except one.

Finally, there's Phoebe. Phoebe has long dark brown hair that's naturally wavy. Her hair almost reaches her hips. The only makeup she wears is concealer, to cover up her acne. It's not as effective as Safy's makeup, which literally covers all her acne, except the ones on her back. Phoebe can be nice when we're alone but with the others, she's just as bad. She's the tallest out of all of us.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Zara hits my upper arm. "Hey! Are you listening Loopy?" I've always hated that nickname.

She hits my arm again, directly on my wound. I wince and hiss in pain. "What? I didn't even hit you that hard, are you weak or something, Loopy?"

"No. Sorry, I just got distracted, what were you saying?" I look at Zara.

"Ugh doesn't matter. You don't deserve to know. It's not like you matter anyway." She rolls her eyes.

Even though I've heard that last phrase over and over again, it still feels like a knife is being stabbed right through my heart. Although they want to see me hurt by it, I can't let them, I won't let them.

"Right. Sorry again. You know me, I get distracted easily." I force a chuckle and give Zara a fake smile.

The bell rings, signaling lunch is over. Thank god. I hastily get out of the cafeteria and rush to my class. I can't wait until the day is over.



I hope you liked this chapter! I worked hard on it. It may not be the best but I hope it was at least decent. Don't forget to vote and comment!

Until next time!


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