Up All Night- Movie Marathon.

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I had spent the last hour or so trying to calm Bri down after I told her that the lads were staying with us.

“Ermahgerd! How can you be so calm! One Fricken Direction is staying with us!” She screamed while jumping around in her ex Chace’s dress shirt and boxers. It would have been a sight if someone could see us now: me in my oversized onzies, sitting by the fire with a large scowl on my face while Bri danced around with a mad grin on her face like a maniac. I rolled my eyes, she would have forgotten about them within an hour of them arriving.

“When are they coming?” She chirped excitedly.

“I actually don’t know, I guess we’ll find out when they do” I replied simply.

  “Helpful” She replied sarcastically.

“I know” I joked earning a dirty look.

“Get over it” I laughed and she soon joined in. Eventually we composed ourselves.

“Let’s watch a movie” She suggested crawling towards the large flat screen that lined one wall. I nodded in agreement.

“Ok so Final Destination, Chronicle or Toy Story 3?”

“How about all of them”

“Movie Marathon!” She screamed pulling me into the kitchen.

 “You make the popcorn and I will order zee pizza ou?” (a/n yes in French ;) She bossed in a horrible French accent.

“Oumademoiselle” I replied. Getting two popcorn bags out of the cupboard and placing them in the microwave. I punched in two and a half minutes before jumping up and sitting on the kitchen island, Bri clucked jokingly at me but let it slide as she was talking on the phone to the Pizza place.

I turned to see Bri giggle and twirl a piece of hair around one finger.

“I love your accent too” She giggled still doing the accent. Oh hell no. Not again. I snatched the phone off her.

“One peperoni and one meatlovers please”

“Sure. Oh hello babe. I’m presuming that was Briana then?”

“Hello Erik. Congratulations, your IQ went up by one, you still are dumber than an eighth grader.” I said sarcastically.

“Still a charmer I see. What happened to you anyway, you just dropped out of school. You should hear the rumours” He laughed cruelly.

“Damn, I just can’t find that fuck to give.” I said hanging up.

“Was that Erik Smith?” Bri asked her eyes opening wide. I nodded opening the microwave and grabbing the bags of popcorn as she grabbed two large bowls and helped me pour the popcorn into them.

“It’s ladies night and I’m feeling right” She sang as she danced into the lounge holing a bottle of coke and a bowl of popcorn as I followed with the other bowl and a couple of cups. Bri popped Chronicle in the player as we waited for the pizza to arrive. The doorbell chimed a few times as I jumped to my feet and slid down the hallway to the front door.

“Hello Emilee” Erik smirked as I opened the door.

“Hello dick head” I replied making a grab for the pizza.

“Woah slow down, I just want to catch up. Are you still with that asshole Harry?”

“We were never together” I replied gritting my teeth.

“Really cause most people who aren’t together don’t-” Before he could finish, I grabbed the pizza and shoved a fiver into his hand.

“That should cover it” I said slamming the door in his face.

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