from the begining

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hi, i'm sierra Haschak. i live singing, dancing, and my family. one problem though. i have a secret i don't want anyone knowing, especially my sisters. i have this friend she is my best friend. back in six grade we met. Her name is Emma. after a few years we became closer and close. After awhile of getting closer i got feelings for her. Everyday i wonder if i like her or not. But either way if any of my sisters ever find out my life will be over. and this is where the story begins.

i walked to class with Emma. As i walk in i see two desk next to each other. i go sit at one and Emma sits next to me. as we get our work out our teacher speaks. "alright class, so today we are going to talk about love. I'm going to need you guys to pick your partner". Yes love. this is my chance. "hey Emma", i said with a worried look, "wanna be partners". "oh well its supposed to be girls with guys", she said looking at me feeling bad. "oh", i looked over to see Matt next to me. "hey Matt wanna be partners". "sure" Matt said getting up so happy. now that i have Matt as my partner maybe just maybe my feelings for Emma will vanish and new ones will come for Matthew. i look over at Emma to see her partner and see her with this guy named Sam. we call him Sammy. I got so worried. words popped in my head like crazy. What if she gets feeling? what if she leaves me? what if she dates him? my life was over at that point. " so class with your partner you are going to use a script and have to do it in front of the class". oh that's not bad. She gave us our script and as i looked through it i relized there is a KISS in here. "class i will pick who did this script the best its all due Friday." well there goes my life.

after class Emma asked me a question that scared me. " why did you wanna be partners even though we were learning about love"? oh no. "oh, its because we are...  partners for everything." "oh okay then well bye sierra. love you". i love it when she says that. i was walking home and as i walked through the door to my room i saw Olivia. She was in my room looking through my Diary. WAIT LOOKING THROUGH MY DIARY. " Olivia, what are you doing." " i have been looking for a book to read and happened to see this one to find out after reading half of it that its your diary." at that moment i almost cried. " Sierra, how long have you felt like this?" i knew i was dead. "Can we talk somewhere more secret like the roof." "yes". we went on the roof and Olivia gave me a huge hug. " sierra why did you never tell me." "Olivia i'm not sure if its for sure yet. its a big sin and i want to obey Gods rights. then again we always sin and i'm sure liking one girl would be okay". Olivia looked at me trying to find words to say to me." Sierra, either way i will always love you." we then hugged and just looked out waiting till one of us goes inside.


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