coming out

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i woke up remembering today is the day. you know the day everyone finds out. Emma and i called all our friends and family to meet at my house. i'm really nervous because i don't if there going to judge us. Olivia and Gracie did not at least. this is needed to be done though

i sat in my room waiting for everyone to get there. about a few hours liv, Matt, Justin, Ivey, showed up. i told them to sit down and wait. then my family came home with Madison. as Emma and i waited for her family we were talking about how to tell them. when we were finished Emma's parents and older brother showed up.

"alright everyone please go to the living Sierra and i have some very important news". everyone then gathered in the living room."okay guys i just want to say what Emma and i are about to say we want to make sure you guys will not judge nor get mad". everyone then said they promised. "okay so basically Olivia and Gracie already know this. when Emma and i did the play we had to kiss each other". "which made us kinda grow feelings for each other". "well really i have liked Emma since eighth grade and Emma liked me since sixth". when we said that both our moms put there hands over there mouth as if there teeth were falling out."well then  i found Sierra had a paper on the ground about me. it made me tell Sierra the truth that i like her back". "now Emma and i are dating". "Sierra you are? i mean you never acted like you were." Liv said confidently."i mean you guys were holding hands yesterday also you said it was a "girls night" was it really a date?" Matt added. "yeah it was" i said. "wow Sierra you are my little sister and i never saw this coming". Madison said getting up."Madison im really sorry i did not wanna end like this neither did Emma. it just happened." Madison then hugged me the Liv, Ivey, Justin, and Matt got up to hug both me and Emma. when they stopped our parents got up and hugged us. " Emma, honey, i will love you no matter what. and you to Sierra". "yes same with me". my mom added.

after that my mom cooked lunch for everybody. "so Sierra, Emma you should kiss". Justin said. "oh yeah do it". ivey agreed. then everyone at the table started saying do it do it do it do it, over and over again. the Emma and i looked at each other then shrugged and kissed each other. everyone then screamed and Gracie and Olivia just said awww. we then ate and just spent the rest of the day talking.


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