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Hey people!

For those of you who don't know me, my writer's alias is Amneris. 

So, this was the very first story I'v actually published on Wattpad. It took me literally years to work up the nerves to publish the chapters of the book I've been working on since I was 11-12 a.k.a first year of high school. I joined Wattpad at the end of year 9 for if you're curious :P

Anyway, the idea for this book came to me in many different ways: random thoughts at 2 in the morning, dreams, nightmares, other books. One day I just came up with a plot and went "hey! I should write this!". Honestly, I haven't regret the decision for one day even if it does keep me up very late some nights writing, especially this book. I will go back and edit chapters, sometimes even rewriting a whole one (sorry about that. My style has changed as I've expanded my library and practised my writing). 

I won't deny that there are some parts in this book that I think are a bit eh, you know? That's to be expected. I'm not quite used to people reading my stories. Just the thought of it makes me all nervous! 

There are a few plot holes in this story which I will get to either later in this book or in another one. You know how sometimes the backstory comes to you while you're writing? Yeah, that's what happened. I started publishing and BAM! a backstory came to me. Annoying? Yes. Inconvenient? Yes. Amazing anyway? Heck yeah!

Please, don't be afraid to comment and tell me where I can improve. (I'm not scary like my friends claim!) I'm always happy for feedback, especially if it helps move the story along. If you find a plot hole let me know! I would prefer to not have as many as I have found and to find the ones I have missed. To have my audience help with that would be awesome. 

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story! I may not have a lot of views yet, but it is so cool to know that you guys are reading and hopefully enjoying the first and possibly longest story I've published on Wattpad.

So ends my first author's note.

Amneris xx

Battle for the Photon Core WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now