Chapter 5

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ok im planing on doing 3-4 chapters today

August 1

It got really quiet till a

girl with red hair and a boy

with greasy hair sat doown

and started talking. We

werent paying much attention

to them till he said "Lily

you had better be Slytherin "

"Eww no wonder you have

greasy hair your a slimy

snake I want to be Gryffindor

where dweal the brave and

loyal!" James Sirius and I

said at the same time. I

smiled and laughed as they

left Lily said "Come on

Severus." "See ya Snevillious ( tell me if i spelled it wrong )"

James yelled triping him.

Remus laughed along with

Sirius but I said "Nice one

James!". The train stopped

and I grabbed Sirius's hand

as we got in the boat as we

walked to the door a teacher

introduced herself i dicided

to call her Minnie cause her

name was so long. Walked us

into the great hall fir


I Solemly Swear I Am Up To No Good ( a harry potter maurders era)Where stories live. Discover now