mah gad

6 1 0

t-the hair, it's beautiful i guessi drew this like straight out of nowhere, trying to use some tips from other artists also it's a WIP of my main ocs (nightingale/nightmare,pandora,aura,and the myth siblings of nightmare/ingale) in different style...

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t-the hair, it's beautiful
i guess
i drew this like straight out of nowhere, trying to use some tips from other artists
also it's a WIP of my main ocs (nightingale/nightmare,pandora,aura,and the myth siblings of nightmare/ingale) in different styles
+ain't it weird that i draw differently from traditional and digital like digital I make irises and bodies different while I make chibi bodies and straight lines for eyes traditionally

annnnd please share with others!

Art. 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin