Quit the Unrequited

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Invisible, unamed face and forgettable.
Maybe that's how you see me, a mere bubble.
You pass me through classrooms and halls,
But why do I bother? You won't even recall.

You and your perfect manliness,
Is dangerously attracting my conciousness.
Dude, it's deadly, it can ruin a girl's finesse.
I, myself, is a living witness.

And now, I am left with only two choices.
Either i'll continue being hopeful even if you're dense,
Or i'll forget every single thing of this nonsense.
Which do you think is the best so my heart won't break into tiny pieces?

Oh well I decided that this will be my official statement,
That I finally give up this one-sided torment.
To me it's been a long ailment,
To you, just a subconcious moment.

People may call me a bitter quitter,
But come on, even a loser deserves something better.
The thought of you will take an effort not to remember,
But seriously? I will live with the penguins just so I can get over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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