Jon Bon Jovi

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*Jon p.o.v-1984*

Yep, that's me at this end of the world bar and surrounded by only strangers and with the fifth bottle of beer in front of me.

Well, you probably wonder how I got here, well physically I'm here because someone very special to me called today and told me to meet her here, but why is she so special to me? well, that's one hell of a story, and ain't the nice kind of story, but still wonderful story that started at 78'.

Me and (y/n) knew each other since childhood and we grew up together and we started dating at 16 after everybody told us we are the perfect couple, and well they were right, and one time on one of our dates...

*flashback to the sophomore year*

"Jon, can I finally open my eyes?" (y/n) whined while I parked my car at the top of the hill "in a few moments" I answered after getting out of the car to the passenger seat, took (y/n) in my arms and cuddled with her on my car hood "now you c..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence and she already opened her eyes and ew'ed at the sight "oh Jon its so pretty and you can see the whole town from up here" "I know, that's why I brought you up here" i said and kissed her passionately and we stayed cuddled until the sun set down and it was night time "okay c'mon i said I'll get you home quickly because its a school night" I said to her while searching for my keys in my pockets "oh but Jonnn I don't want to go its still soooo early" (y/n) whined while pulling me down to a heated kiss "damn you are so hot i can't resist you" i said while pulling her to the backseat "are you sure you are ready for this?" i asked because I knew she was virgin and wanted to keep it to someone special "yes Jon I'm sure" she said and pulled me back to her lips.

*back to present*

after this, our relationship only grew stronger and we felt like we were going to be together forever we even talked about our future together.

*summer of 78'*

We where at (y/n) bedroom sprawled out on the bed with nothing in mind to do when I suddenly propped up on my elbows next to (y/n) and looked intently at her "do you ever think about our future together" i asked her "yes of course Jon I just didn't know if to say something or not because we are still young but yes I think about how we'll get married' what dress I'll wear and how you'll look all older and handsome-er than now, if its even possible, and about our future house and kids and how we'll look in a few years" she answered with a smile, that doesn't matter what, won't fade "okay but what if instead of waiting a few years lets do it now, lets runaway and start our own life, I'll work on my music and you can be a waitress until I'll be big and than we'll have whatever we want" i said sitting on my knees holding her hands and smiling like a little child who just got candy, but the smile soon faded while I look at her look' the look that even without words you know the answer "Jon, you know I cant do it, you know how much I need to get my diploma to succeed in my dream being (academic profession)" she said looking at me with those eyes I fell in love with "but (y/n) is this really what you want? are you sure it's not something to do with making your parents proud?" I asked really hoping to change her mind "yes, Jon I'm sorry but I really rather stay in school" "okay so let's wait a few years" I said and kissed her passionately.

*back to present*

oh how I regret these words, I really didn't think that I'll end in the bottom of the bottom.

After the little fight we kept feeling more high on our love, and junior year went as smooth as it could, I ditched a lot and (y/n) started to focus more on her studying but at senior year we were so high that we fell down so hard, we started to drift apart and that where I started to really worry because I loved her so much and didn't want to lose her so in the middle of our senior year...

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